

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 9 months ago

モブリスト(クラン本部) / Mob List (Clan HQ)


Your own Clan Headquarter is located at The Royal City of Rabanastre. Montblanc is your quest giver, so you will need to consult him for Mob Hunt requests.


TIP: Each monster have their own ranking, and here are the suggested levels for each ranking. You can try and tackle the mobs underlevelled, but they will be extremely hard.

*Rank D - Level 20+

*Rank C - Level 30+

*Rank B - Level 35+

*Rank A - Level 40+

*Rank S - Level 45+

*Rank H - Level 50+

*Rank X - Level 60+


Also some of the quests are chain-quests, meaning if you didn't clear the first one you can't get to the second quest. Some of the quests are required for rare weapons, gears or even summons.


What makes Clan Hunt troublesome is that you will need to grab the quest from Rabanastre Montblanc, then find the client who sometimes will be half way across the continent. After the contract you may find the monster on the 'other side' of the client location again. So the travelling time can be bothersome, however the rewards are... well, rewarding!


1. Niwatoris (ニワトリス)

Rank: E

Client: Dania (ダーニャ)

Client Location: Nomad Camp (遊牧民の集落) on Giza Plain

Mob Location: Giza's North Riverbank (ギーザス川沿岸北側)

Rewards: 1000 Gil, Jackboots, Rainbow Egg

Comments: Only appears when the weather is bright and sunny! To find Niwatoris, first you will need to clear out all enemies on the map and rezone. Once rezoned you will need to hunt down a small yellow bird and Niwatoris will appear soon after

2. Rock Titans (ロックタイタス)

Rank: E

Client: Pirika (ピリカ)

Client Location: Kuz Square (クス空中広場) in Bhujerba

Mob Location: Lhusu Mines (ルース魔石鉱) in Second-Area

Rewards: 1200 Gil, 2 Hi-Potions, Bulky Coat

Comments: N/A

3. Gilgame (ギルガメ)

Rank: C

Client: Nanau (ナナウ)

Client Location: Young Crystal Area (幼き水晶のほとり) in Giza

Mob Location: Giza Plains (ギーザ草原) -> Giant's Footprint (巨獣の足跡)

Rewards: 3000 Gil, Phobos Leaf

Comments: Nanau and Gilgame will only appear when its raining.

4. Ultros (オルトロス)

Rank: A

Client: Robber Sheik (どろぼうシーク)

Client Location: Downtown North Area (ダウンタウン北側)

Mob Location: Garamsythe Waterway (カラムサイズ水路) in Southern Area

Rewards: 3000 Gil, Holackt Flame, Ether

Comments: To have this pervy monster to appear, your party must consist of all female (Vaan doesn't count). Ashe, Penelo and Fran to enter the room, then you can quickly switch party members.

5. Trickster (トリックスター)

Rank: A

Client: Chocobo Breeder Gardy (チョコボ屋ガーディ)

Client Location: White Sand Path (白砂の小路) in Bur-Omisace Mountain

Mob Location: Paramina Rift (パラミナ大峡谷)

Rewards: 4800 Gil, Demos Clay

Comments: N/A

6. Antlion (アントリオン)

Rank: A

Client: Nirei (ニレイ)

Client Location: Floating Cloud Path (浮き雲通り) in Bhujerba

Mob Location: Lhusu Mines (ルース魔石鉱) -> 9th Area

Rewards: 4300 Gil, Bubble Chain, Saberscythe

Comments: N/A

7. Berit (ベリト)

Rank: A

Client: Montblanc (モンブラン)

Client Location: Clan HQ (クラン本部)

Mob Location: Nam-Yensa Sandsea (大砂海ナム・エンサ) -> Windy Bank, South Area (風化する岸辺)

Rewards: 5100 Gil, Last Elixir

Comments: N/A

8. Ixion (イクシオン)

Rank: S

Client: Waitress (白波亭の娘)

Client Location: Belfonheim Bar

Mob Location: Pharos Subterra (大灯台 地下層)

Rewards: 3000 Gil, Agazai, Ragnarok


9. God (神)

Rank: S

Client: Montblanc (モンブラン)

Client Location: Clan HQ (クラン本部)

Mob Location: Pharos Subterra (大灯台 地下層)

Rewards: 20000 Gil, 2 Last Elixirs

Comments: To fight the "GOD" you must defeat the Pheonix first in the Shadow Level (暗影の層)

10. Carrot (キャロット)

Rank: H

Client: Zamadoria (ザマドリア)

Client Location: Nalbina Airport (飛空挺ターミナル)

Mob Location: Salikawood (サリカ樹林)

Rewards: 5200 Gil, Stink Bomb, Smelly Fluid

Comments: N/A

11. Mystery Man (謎の男)

Rank: H

Client: Montblanc (モンブラン)

Client Location: Clan HQ (クラン本部)

Mob Location: Lhusu Mines (ルース魔石鉱)

Rewards: 10000 Gil, Masamune

Comments: You will need to enter two different area to fight him twice, first time in Tasshe Bridge (タッシェ橋). Then the second time is at Seventh Area Factory (第7鉱区作業所)

12. King Behemoth (キングベヒーモス)

Rank: H

Client: Kokomin (ココミン)

Client Location: Downtown South Area (ダウンタウン南側)

Mob Location: Feywood (幻妖の森) -> End of Will (思の最果て)

Rewards: 250 Gil, Bacchus Wine

Comments: You must defeat all Behemoth in Faywood before King Behemoth appears

13. Yazmatto (ヤズマット)

Rank: X

Client: Montblanc (モンブラン)

Client Location: Clan HQ (クラン本部)

Mob Location: Ridorana Cataract (リドルアナ大瀑布) -> Colosseum (コロシアム)

Rewards: 30000 Gil, Godkiller's Crest

Comments: He is the ULTIMATE Boss in the game... Prepare for a long battle!


*Pub Mob Hunt Guide by CuteChocobo


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