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Q1) I don't know if this is a FAQ but, where do you get the beast summons from? I see them on the License chart on this website- is there a quest I need to do before I get the beasts? -Naria


A1a) You'll get your first summon advancing through the main game. I have no idea about the rest of them, but I'm sure they'll be a mixture of storyline and side quests if past FF's are any indicator. - Shiro

A1b) What Shiro said is correct, but I would like to add in more details. There are 13 summons in total, and 5 of them are must-gets in the game. Which means you will have to fight them as the story progresses. They are "Berias", "Mateus", "Shumihaza", "Hashmarim", and "Famfrit". The other 8 are done through either side quests or as rewards. - CuteChocobo

Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 1:51 am on Mar 28, 2006

Umm... for FAQs, where are we suppose to get the questions from since the readers can't post!?

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