

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to the Final Fantasy XII Translation Wiki!


The objective of this page is to act as a means for English-speaking Final Fantasy fans to play the Japanese version of the latest addition into the Final Fantasy pantheon of games, Final Fantasy XII. Given the time it's taken for Square-Enix to get its act together to release this game in Japan to begin with, we thoroughly expect the official translators to take their time with the English translation.


This page will be a collaborative effort. If you wish to contribute, look here.


It should go without saying that this entire site is full of SPOILERS. We will do our best to section off text so that you are spoiled only on a need-to-know basis.


Table of Contents


  • The Actual Translation Area
  • Miscellaneous FFXII Catch-All Zone
    • NewsSpot - Add any cool news here.
    • GamePlay - put information about gameplay here.
    • FaqSpot - frequently asked questions go here.
  • Credits/Rules/Sandbox Area
    • Our Rules - please read here first before you muck on the other boards. Our standards are listed here.
    • Contributor List - add your name here if you added something to this Wiki!
    • Acknowledgements - resources utilized in developing this translation.
    • Japanese Tutorial - if you're new to Japanese, please make sure you're familiar with these translation resources.
    • General Discussion - Suggestions for our standards, choice of translations, and other Wiki-related matters.
    • To-Do List - Contributors, please note your current projects here.
    • Help List - note here if you need help with something not directly related to FFXII.
    • SandBox - if you know nothing about Wiki, play here first, please. Thanks!

Comments (33)

Anonymous said

at 7:12 pm on Mar 17, 2006

I'm not sure where to put this question, but I'd like to put some translations up for the Gambits... but there's not a page for it. Could someone who knows how possibly create one?

Anonymous said

at 7:47 pm on Mar 17, 2006


Anonymous said

at 8:44 pm on Mar 17, 2006

you know i was thinking about it, and for purposes of things like resumes and such for jobs later on, it would be neat to reference this project. Would it be ok to indicate the main author of each stub/section?

Anonymous said

at 9:22 pm on Mar 17, 2006

That would be an excellent idea, Sigel. All translators for a section should sign at the bottom.

As you will note from the lack of annoying Google Ads, I upgraded to Premium, mainly because there was no way for a normal freebie user to delete comments. I would ask all of you to NOT go hogwild now with uploading images, even though there is a ton of space to do so now.

Anonymous said

at 9:45 pm on Mar 17, 2006

Wow! Thanks for the upgrade! As for the signature, how would we go about placing them. After all, each of us take time to edit and translate portions on a page.

Anonymous said

at 9:51 pm on Mar 17, 2006

Methinks it'd be appropriate to sign a page if you're the primary translator for the page, or a substantial contributor to it. A copy-edit here and there wouldn't be enough.

Anonymous said

at 10:07 pm on Mar 17, 2006

Then maybe the comment at the bottom should be something like:

Translator(s): <Name>

Just a suggestion?

Anonymous said

at 11:57 pm on Mar 17, 2006

However, if it is for a reference (which I am in favor of) should we not use real names, or should we continue with psudeonyms until a later time?

Anonymous said

at 1:27 am on Mar 19, 2006

good call, I'm signing my real name from now

Anonymous said

at 6:31 pm on Mar 20, 2006

I'm not sure exactly where to put suggestions so I guess I'll try here. I noticed that this page has a nice format for displaying all the people who have translated a page.

I think it might be a good idea to do all pages like that. Maybe also add the part you did next to your name too. When I was editing the Gambit Page I realized that there was no really good spot to put my name. Most people place their name after their translation, but when you make edits in various places and add things throughout an entire page, I think it would be better for a nice list on the bottom as on the aforementioned page.

Anonymous said

at 10:03 pm on Mar 20, 2006

Agreed. Let's go with that, then.

Anonymous said

at 12:20 am on Mar 21, 2006

I also have a suggestion is there a way that we can designate specific josb to people so everyone can work on something with out over doing it.

Anonymous said

at 4:44 am on Mar 21, 2006

If we're going to designate specific jobs then it might be a good idea to first list what we are actually able to translate, for example:

I am comfortable with Katakana and Hiragana however I only know a very minute amount of Kanji. I can look Kanji up via the SKIP method however things like the story translation is beyond me.

Anonymous said

at 8:54 am on Mar 21, 2006

Let's organize on the "To-Do List" page and use that as the master list where people claim what they want to translate/transcribe.

Anonymous said

at 9:43 am on Mar 21, 2006

I can translate just about anything. Of course I can't do much until YesAsia decides to ship my game. I've generally just been looking for transcribed but untranslated parts to do.

For looking up kanji, I've always found the Global IME Handwriting Tool to be the easiest way to look up kanji. Just draw it and pick from the suggested kanji. That's what I used when I translated ToR and ToA. Honestly I never really understood any of those kanji look up methods.

Anonymous said

at 10:42 am on Mar 21, 2006

I'm sticking with the story translation I guess. most other things are done or well on their way anyways. of course, since I have a job and a girlfriend, I only expect one or two cutscenes a day to get done

Anonymous said

at 12:07 pm on Mar 21, 2006

i can barely read the kanji on the screen (stupid font) so unless I can get a transcription (and more free time) the best i can do is translate what's already transcribed or play editor over the pages.
Where is this "Global IME handwriting Tool" found?

Anonymous said

at 12:45 pm on Mar 21, 2006

If you don't have Japanese IME running already, follow this... Control Panel->Regional and Language Options->Languages->Details->Settings Tab->Installed Services. Click on Add. Input Language: Japanese. Keyboard Layout/IME: Japanese. The handwriting tool, IIRC, is new to the lastest version of Office or something. I know I don't have it running on Office 2000, but being able to count strokes counters any real need for it.

Anonymous said

at 12:49 pm on Mar 21, 2006

Sorry, I'm a Mac man =)

Anonymous said

at 6:39 am on Mar 22, 2006

is anyone else going to be able to fill in the gaps between ch. 1 and 10? id love too but i just dont have time to do it all myself.

Anonymous said

at 8:57 am on Mar 22, 2006

I can go over the text and transcribe it when I actually start playing this game; I got it the other day, and am planning to tape my sessions in their entirety. This might not be 'til early next week, though.

Anonymous said

at 9:03 am on Mar 22, 2006

Added the new thread to the GameFAQs boards. Let the old one die a peaceful death.

Anonymous said

at 10:26 am on Mar 22, 2006


Anonymous said

at 10:51 am on Mar 22, 2006


Anonymous said

at 7:07 pm on Mar 24, 2006

Ok well I am sorry but i been busy this whole week and couldnt get around toinput all my notes and translations to chapter 2 but iit seems someone already went along and translated some of it.....

No problem! I will put what i can

Anonymous said

at 7:40 pm on Mar 24, 2006

Not here, they didn't...the only thing up is stubs for Part 2 at the moment.

Anonymous said

at 8:19 pm on Mar 24, 2006

yeah if you want to take on chapter 2 feel free to do so!

Anonymous said

at 1:29 pm on Mar 26, 2006

Hi, I'm new here. Thanks for the invite Shiromiko! Is there anything you guys aren't working on that you want me to help with? You have the instruction booklet transcribed but no translation yet, should I start with that or is someone else working on it?

Anonymous said

at 1:57 pm on Mar 26, 2006

<points at the To-Do list> Anything not claimed on there is officially up for grabs. I think Cheesemeister is working on the translation (correct me if I'm wrong), so coordinate with him if you want to tackle that..

Anonymous said

at 2:37 am on Apr 2, 2006

I am not sure but Matthew can i finish chapter 13 for you?
or are you planning on finishing it

Anonymous said

at 4:14 am on Apr 2, 2006

go ahead with it. I'll start filling the gap now

Anonymous said

at 5:12 pm on Apr 2, 2006

So I got that e-mail from Cheesemeister about coming here and dicussing what we're working on. I've been a little busy, but I have some free time this week and can continue the fill-in-gaps work at the beginning or whatever is needed. :)

Anonymous said

at 3:56 pm on May 6, 2006

Hey there folks, now that the actual OST tracklisting is out, would it be okay to add it since I'm sure that thing actually needs a translation?

If so, then I think adding a separate music section including Kiss Me Good-bye and Symphonic Poem would be cool.

If it's not okay, feel free to correct me.

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