Main Menu Translation
Menu Screen
Below is a translation of the menu screen as we've encountered so far. New commands are added to the Menu as you progress the game so if there's a command missing, chances are we haven't progressed that far.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
バトルメンバー | batorumenba | Battle Member |
ステータス | sute-tasu | Status |
装備 | soubi | Equipment |
ライセンス | raisensu | License |
ガンビット | ganbiito | Gambit |
ワールドマップ | wa-rudomappu | World Map |
所持品りスト | shojihinrisuto | Inventory |
クランレポート | kuranrepo-to | Clan Report |
コンフィグ | konfigu | Config |
ステータス / Status Screen
Japanese | Romaji | English |
攻撃 | kougeki | Attack |
防御 | bougyo | Defense |
魔法防御 | mahoubougyo | Magic Defense |
回避 | kaihi | Evasion |
魔法回避 | mahoukaihi | Magic Evasion |
ちから | chikara | Strength |
魔力 | maryoku | Magic Power |
活力 | katsuryoku | Vitality (Defense Power) |
スピード | supi-do | Speed |
装備 / Equipment Screen
Side Headings
Japanese | Romaji | English |
装備 | soubi | Equipment (Equip) |
はずす | hazusu | Remove |
すべてはずす | subetehazusu | Remove All |
最強装備 | saikyou soubi | Optimize (Strongest Equip) |
Equipment Slots
Japanese | Romaji | English |
武器 | buki | Weapon |
盾/矢/弾 | tate/ya/tama | Shield/Arrows/Bullets |
頭 | atama | Head |
体 | karada | Body |
アクセサリ | akusesari | Accessory |
Translation by Ben/Matt Chard aka Demonkaze
Side Headings
Japanese | Romaji | English |
だいじなもの | daijinamono | Key Items |
おたから | otakara | Treasure |
魔法/技 | mahou / waza | Magic/Skill |
アイテム | aitemu | Items |
武器 | buki | Weapons |
防具 | bougu | Armor |
アクセサリ | akusesari | Accessories |
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