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アーシェ→「往古神々に愛されしレイスウォール王は…… バレンディアからオーダ

リアの両大陸にまたがる広大な領域を一代で平定し…… ガルテア連邦を打ち立てま

した 覇王と呼ばれてはいますが…… 連邦樹立後のレイスウォール王は民を愛し無

用の戦を憎み……  その精神は後継者にも受継がれ 平和と繁栄が数百年もの間つ

づいたのです アルケイディアもロザリアもその源流はガルテア連邦に属していた都

市国家であり…… レイスウォール王が築いた平和の中で生まれ育ったようなもので

す レイスウォール王は覇王の血統の証となる3つの遺産を残しました そのうち

『夜光の砕片』はのちのナブラディア王家へ渡り…… 『黄昏の破片』はダルマスカ

を建国した我が父祖へ 最後のひとつ『暁の断片』はここに封じられて…… その存


Ashe: The loving King Rasworl conquered a vast area across both continents from Ordaria to Barendia in one generation, and built up the Galtea federation in the ancient past pantheon. Even though he is know as a great conqueror, but after the federation had been formed, he was known to love his people and hated useless war. These ideas were carried on by his successors and peace and prosperity continued for hundreds of years. The present city-states in Alcadia and Rozaria that belong to the Galtea federation were born and grow up peacefully thanks to the ground work laid by King Raithwall. King Raithwall left three inheritances that became the proof of his family line. These include the 'Moonlight Fragment' which was given to the ancestors of the Nabradian royal family. The 'Twilight Fragment' was given to my lineage, the Dalmascan royal family. The last 'Dawn Fragment' is sealed off here and its existence is only known to the decendants of King Raithwall.



Vossler: The heavenly king most likely predicted the events that we are experiencing now.




Ashe: Only his decendants were given permission to enter here so, if someone without proof was to enter...


バルフレア→「生きて帰れる保障はなし 墓守の戒律やら悪趣味な罠やら…… そん


Balflear: ...would be given no guarantee of coming out alive. Guardians of the grave, nasty traps.. that sort of thing right?


アーシェ→「その先に眠っているのです 『暁の断片』も覇王の財宝も」

Ashe: It's all resting here right in front of us... The Dawn Fragment and the treasure.



Balflear: I'm thinking that that sounds a little to good to be true...


ヴァン→「なぁ 今のってどういうしかけなんだ?」

Van: What was that thing that we just used?

バルフレア→「古代の遺跡にはよくある装置さ ふれるとどこかへ運ばれる 原理は

わからんが便利だ 空賊にとってはそれで充分だろ」

Balflear: It's an apparatus often found in ancient ruins. If you touch it, it will take you somewhere. I don't know exactly how it works but, its convinient for us sky pirates anyway.


ウォースラ→「なんと壮大な…… あのような墓荒らしの動向は認めたくないもので


Vossler: This is absurd... I don't approve this group grave robbers coming in here


アーシェ→「けれど私たちだけでは明らかに無力 それが現実でしょう? あの人は

自分の利益だけを考えているわ 利益を約束できれば裏切らないはずよ」

Ashe: But the truth is that we don't have the means to do this ourselves right? They are just think about their own profit so, as long as we keep our promise they won't betray us right?


ウォースラ→「しかし 殿下 自分は……」

Vossler: But your Highness... I can't...


アーシェ→「話は後で 今はまず『暁の断片』を手に入れないと」

「眠っているわ 地下の深くで」

Ashe: We'll discuss it later. If we don't find the "dawn fragment" soon...

It's resting deep in the Earth...



Vossler: You know the location?



Ashe: I feel like it's calling me.



Penel: There is fog here even though we're underground


Fran:霧ではないわ ミストよ

Fran: Its not fog... it's "mist"



Penel: Can we see "mist" with our eyes?



Fran: Here where spirits are densely contained, it can be.



Penel: In other words, it's dangerous



Fran: But it also has a purpose. Thick mist can quickly restore magic power


Penelo:覚えておきます。 Vanは無茶ばかりだから、私がしっかりしないと。

Penel: I'll keep that in mind. Van is always doing reckless things so I need to be level headed


Fran:かつて神々に戦いを挑んだ 荒ぶる者ども、



Fran: A wild group of people challenged the gods and failed. Until the connection between their souls and the mist is broken their freedom has been taken. This is the legend of the Un-moh tribe.


Ashe:王権には 覇王と魔人にまつわる物語が伝わっています。



Ashe: In the royal family, the story of the strong relationship between the heavenly ruler and the evil one is passed down.

When he was young, king Reshaul defeated the evil one. After being acknowledged by the gods, the evil one became a servant of the heavenly ruler.



Balflear: So that beast was here to protect the kings treasure then





Balflear: What?



Ashe: We have received something that has unmeasurable worth


Balflear:おいおい 俺としては もうちょいわかりやすい財宝を期待してたんだがね

Balflear: hey... I was expecting a treasure that would be a little easier to understand...



Basch: What's wrong?



Vossler: Let's hurry your majesty.


Ashe:Rasler 仇は必ず

Ashe: Rasler... by your name I will definately set things right.


Translation by Matthew Niemi aka Sigelx

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