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Crew: 機関出力 急速に低下
ばかな マイナスだと!?
まずい 反転した!
Ship crew: The engine output is rapidly declining
Minus you say!? The warship won't have the power to stay afloat!
What exactly is happening?!
its the Nethicite! It's sucking the ship's energy!
Stop it! Can't you just hurry up and stop it!?
We are but... 300 until it reaches its limit!
The complex is colapsing!
Balflear:Ashe 行くぞ!
Balflear: Ashe, we're going!
Vossler: 俺は 俺は祖国のためを
Vossler: I.. I did this all for our homeland...
Basch: 分かっている お前は国を思っただけだ
Basch: I know.. You were thinking only the best for our country
Vossler: ふん、功を焦ったのも事実さ
俺はもうお仕えできん 陛下を頼む
Vossler: The truth is, I was impatient. I was too impatient, or you came back too late... I can no longer serve her majesty... please take care of her.
Balflear: おい 冗談じゃねえぞ!
Balflear: Oh my god... you have to be kidding me!
Fran: ミストよ ミストが実体化してる!
Fran: It's the mist... It's materializing.
Van: ありかよ そんなの!?
Van: What?! Can that happen?
Penelo: 見て
Penelo: Look!
Ashe: 暁の断片?
Ashe: The dawn fragment?
Balflear: 拾ってくだろ!
Balflear: We have to get it right?
Translation by Matthew Niemi aka Sigelx
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