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Yote: 森のささやきを聞いた




Yote: I have heard the whispers of the forest.

Take it and leave.

We will allow you to take the "Tear of Rente" in order to pass through the forest.


Myurin: それだけなの

森を出て知ったわ 世界は動いている

なのにヴィエラは 何もしないというの

Myurin: Is that all?

The forest knows that the world is moving.

Even so, You're saying that we Vierra will do nothing?


Yote: 人間の世にかかわるのはーー


Yote: It is not our nature to get involved with Humme affairs.


Myurin: 嫌なのよ!


私だって森を出て 自由に生きたいのよ

Myurin: I hate that! Even though all of Ivalice is on the move, only the Vierra are retired in the forest.

I want to leave this place and move freely too!


Fran: やめておきなさい


森にとどまり 森とともに生きなさい


Fran: Please stop it. Don't get involved with Hummes.

You will stay in the forest and make your life in the forest.

That is the way of the Vierra.


Myurin: でも 姉さんだってーー

Myurin: But, even you sis...


Fran: もうヴィエラではなくなったわ




ミュリン あなたもそうなりたい?

Fran: I threw away my family and home.

I decided to move freely and as a result have forsaken my past.

I can't hear the voice of the forest anymore Myurin...

Do you really want to be like me?


Myurin: 姉さんーー

Myurin: Sis...


Fran: いいえ あなたの姉はもう ひとりだけ


Fran: No... you only have one sister now. Please forget about me.


Yote: 嫌な役をさせたな

Yote: You certainly put her in an unpleasent situation.


Fran: あの子は掟に反発している






Fran: She'll recover.

It's better that she is guided by you who abides by the law,

then from I who threw everything away

I have a favor.

Can you listen to the voices for me?

Does the forest detest me?


Yote: 去っていったお前をただ懐かしんでいるだけだ

Yote: It is merely yearning for you... the one who left the forest.


Fran: 嘘でも嬉しいわ

Fran; Even if that's a lie, I'm happy to hear it.


Yote: 気をつけろ


Yote; be careful.

The forest doesn't like the hummes that have snatched you away.


Fran: 今の私は人間と同じよ


ーーさよなら 姉さん

Fran: I am already the same as those Hummes.


Goodbye sister.


Translation by Matthew Niemi aka Sigelx

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