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Balflear: どこかの侵略国家のせいでああいう難民が増えてるのさ

Balflear: Because of an invading army from somewhere, the amount of refugees is increasing


Larsa: これ以上増やさないために友好を訴えて大戦を防ぐんです


We will forge a friendship to prevent war and in turn stop the increase of refugees.

My father will definately choose peace.




父だろうが 結局他人だろ

Balflear: Definately?

That's some confidence you have there.

You're father or not, he's still just an outsider.


Van: あんまり気にすんなよな

Van: Don't let him get to you too much


Vayne: 私ひとりが消えて済む問題ではありません



Vayne: This won't end with the end of my own post.

The senate hates the the existance of the Solidor family

An excuse to supress them is neccessary.


Gramis: 必要だと? そうか 必要かーー



Gramis: Neccessary you say? hmm... maybe so...

There's always the old phase

"If you have no heritage, you also have no right to decide whether to draw blood"


Vayne: ソリドールの剣に迷いは不要


Vayne: There is no reason for the blade of Solidor to hesitate,

Your majesty's son in confident in weilding that blade.


Gramis: 復讐のつもりか

Gramis: So you want to take revenge?


Vayne: 必要だと申し上げました

今やらねば もうひとりの未来も奪われます

Vayne: I'm saying that it's neccessary to do so.

Now, anyone else's future can also be snatched away.


Gramis: 白い手の者に変わり その手を汚すか

Gramis: So in place of using the clean hands of my subordinates, I should get someone else to dirty their hands then.


Vayne: すでに血に染まっております


Vayne: Since my hands are already dirty, I will fight until the end.


Gramis: すべてはソリドールのためにー

Gramis: Everything for the sake of the Solidor family.

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