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Van: 寝てないか?
Van: Is he sleeping?
Anastasis: なに 眠っておるようなもの
Anastasis: I am merely looking at dreams.
Dreams and reality are like two sides of the same coin and therefore,
I can see some of what is to come by looking at reality through the mirror of dreams.
Ashe: アナスタシスげいか 私はーー
Ashe: High priest Anastasis, my name is…
ラミナスの嬢アーシェ そなたの夢をみておった
王国の再興を名がゥそなたの夢 私にも伝わっておる
Anastasis: There is no need to tell me.
You are the daughter of Raminas, Ashe. I have seen your dreams.
You hold the dawn fragment and will succeed the throne in Dalmasca.
I have also been told that your dream is the revival of your country.
Larsa: それは大僧正げいか
Larsa: Relating to that matter high priest, Her majesty Ashe’s succession…
Alshid: そいつは あきらめてもらえませんかね
よお 皇帝候補殿
Alshid: I wonder if you would give up on that for me?
Yo, little emperor in training, I got your invite.
Larsa: 彼に会わせたかったんですよ
この人 これでもロザリア帝国を治めるマルガラス家の方なんです
Larsa: This is the man that I wanted you to meet. He is of the Malgrace Family that rules over the Rozalian Empire.
Alshid: 山ほどいるうちの一人ですがね
Alshid: I am just one person among many but I cannot stop this war alone and I depend on Larsa’s cooperation. Alshid Marglass is my name.
By meeting your highness I can see that beautiful flowers do bloom in the Dalmascan desert.
Anastasis: アルケイディアにはラーサー ロザリアにはアルシド
Anastasis: Larsa of Archades and Alshid of Rozalia.
These two are not dreaming of war.
If the two empires could cooperate, a new Ivalice would be born.
Alshid: それこそ夢物語ですな 現実には戦争が起こりかけてる
Alshid: Of course that is still a dream. Truth be told, the war has already started.
Ashe: 私を招いたのも 大戦を防ぐためと聞いておりましたが
なのに今になって あきらめろとは?
Ashe: I also came here with the intent to prevent the war.
I was to take up the thrown and announce revival of my country of Dalmasca.
We would then form a friendship with Archades and release the army but,
Now you are telling me to give up?
Alshid: 姫のお言葉があれば解放軍は動けず
そういう狙いでしたがね 流れが変わっちまいまして
2年前 お亡くなりあそばされたはずのあなたが
Alshid: By your words, I can tell that you intend to stop the liberation army from moving and take away Rozalia’s cause for war… However, things are changing…
If you, a princess presumed to be killed 2 years ago, suddenly is said to have really been alive all this time, it could only make the situation worse.
Ashe: 私に力がないからですか
Ahse: It that because you think I’m powerless?
Alshid: いやいや あなたのせいじゃありませんよ
Alshid: No, no. It’s not your fault at all.
Larsa: では なぜ!?
Larsa: Then why?!
If we were to appeal for friendly relations, and my father could be convinced to choose a peaceful solution to the problem…
Alshid: グラミス皇帝は亡くなった
Alshid: Emperor Gramis is dead…
By assassination.
Larsa: 父上が!?
Larsa: My father is!?
Translation by Matthew Niemi aka Sigelx
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