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Alshid: 仮に姫が平和的解決を訴えたとしましょう



姿を現した姫を 偽者だとか断定してーー



都合の悪いことに あいつは軍事的天才だ

Alshid: If, by chance, we were still dealing with Emperor Gramis,

Evading war would be preferred above all other methods.

However, Vayne Solidor has appeared as our opponent.

If you were to declare yourself as the princess, Vayne would simply shrug you off as an imposter. That would rile up the liberation army of course.

Vayne is hoping for war. And to make things worse, he is a military genius.


Anastasis: 私も夢に告げられた



Anastasis: I have also been informed in my dreams.

When he appears, he will invite the war to begin and his name will go down in history.


Alshid: 帝国軍は全軍をあげて








ーーつまり どえらい大軍だ

Alshid: The whole imperial army has been gathered and they are preparing for war.

According to my information…

The entire western division of the army, under Vayne’s direction is moving into position to start the war. The newly organized 12th fleet is beginning to form… also

They are waiting for the completion of country’s first fleet and the newly remodeled Odin battleship, but the Keruon expeditionary force of the 2nd fleet is being dispatched to fill in the gaps of the 8th fleet.

In other words, It’s a damn big army.


Ashe: そして切り札は破魔石


王位継承の件は しばし忘れます

力を持たない私が女王となっても 何も守れません

より大きな力を身につけてから あらためて

Ashe: And their trump card is the Nethicite…

Your holiness,

I will forget about my claims to the thrown for a while. Even if I become queen, as powerless as I am now, I cannot protect anything.

I will try again once I have the power to do so.


Anastasis: そなたが夢みるのは 破魔石の力か?

Anastasis: So you are again seeking the power of the Nethicite?


Ashe: 破魔石以上の力です

Ashe: I require a power above Nethicite.


Anastasis: 力を持って力に挑むか


Anastatis: To use power to fight power…

Fitting words of a Humme indeed.


Ashe: わたしは覇王の末裔です

Ashe: I am the descendent of the heavenly ruler


Anastasis: ならばレイスウォールが残したもう一つの力を求めなさい

Anastasis: If that is the case then maybe you should seek the other power that the heavenly king left behind.


Ashe: そんなものがあるのですか!

Ashe: Is there such a thing!


Anastasis: パラミナ大峡谷を越えミリアム遺跡を訪れなさい





剣を手にして悟らなければ王国再興の夢は 夢のままよ

私の夢も やがて醒めるのかーー

Anastasis: Visit the Miriam Ruins past the Palmina Canyon.

The power that King Raithwall entrusted to the high priest of that time is resting there.

The power above Nethicite… The “Heavenly King’s blade”

With it, you will be able to crush Nethicite supporting supremacy …

But why did the King entrust the blade not onto his descendents, but to others?

If someone that has not been enlightened takes the sword, the dream of revitalizing the country will remain a dream.

Before long, I may also finally wake from my dreams…


Translation by Matthew Niemi aka Sigelx

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