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ヴァン→「なぁ こんなところ通ってほんとに帝都に行けるのか?」

Van: Will we really get to Archades if we pass through here?


バルフレア→「こんなところだから見つからないのさ 同道と歩いてって帝都の門を


Balflear: Yes. If we take this road we won't be found out. I don't exactly have the balls to walk up and knock on the front gate.


パンネロ→「でも帝都に着いてからは? 街を歩いていたら兵隊に捕まりそう」

Panelo: But what about when we get there? If we walk around town, won't we get captured by the soldiers?


アーシェ→「人ごみにまぎれてしまえば大丈夫よ 私たち顔はそれほど知られていな


Ashe: If we mix into the crowds we should be fine. They don't know our faces that well.


ヴァン→「だよな オレたちも最初はお前の顔知らなかったし」

Van: That's true. At the beginning, we had no idea what you looked like either babe.



Ashe: ...don't call me that.


(Translators note: お前 in Japanese is a rude way to say you. I don't know how square enix will translate this running gag between Van and Ashe but, I used babe here... sorry if it seems out of context.)


Translated by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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