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Ashe : Where is everyone!?


ゲルン王→「怖れるな ダルマスカの王女よ 我らオキューリアはそなたのみを選ん


King Geln : Do not be scared Princess of Dalmasca, we, the Ocuria, have choosen you.


ゲルン王→「アーシェ・バナルガン・ダルマスカ 力を求めるそなたの心 我らが聖

なる力へみちびく 絶海の塔に眠る『天陽の繭』を求めよ ……それはすべての破魔

石の母 力の源 覇王の遺産など繭から切り取られた各片にすぎぬ」

King Geln : Ashe Banalgan Dalmasca, the one who seeks power. You must seek the holy power that we have kept. 'Heaven's Cocoon' sleeps in the tower of a distant sea. It is the orgin of all Nethicite and the source of power. The Tyrant's fragments that you know of were cut from this Cocoon.



Ashe : That much power!?


ゲルン王→「往古 我らはイヴァリースを救うべくレイスウォールを選んで剣を授け

た 王は剣で繭を刻み 3つの破魔石を得て覇王となった その血を継ぐものよ 父


King Geln : In the distant past, we chose Raithwall to save Ivalice and gave him the sword. The king carved the cocoon with the sword and three pieces of Nethicite were taken. He then became the heavenly king, and the one with his same blood will succeed him. Walk the same road that your ancestor once did.



Ashe : The "Heavenly King's Sword" was used for that purpose?


ゲルン王→「レイスウォールとの古き契約はとうに力を失った そなたとは新しき契

約を結ぼう 我らオキューリアの代行者たる証 新たな契約の剣を授ける 『天陽の

繭』を切り取って破魔石を掴むのだ 覇王と同じ力を手にし ヴェーネスを討て」

King Geln : The old contract with Raithwall has already lost its power. Let's forge a new contract as proof that you are lead by us Ocuria. We will give you the sword of a new contract in order to cut new pieces of Nethicite from 'Heaven's Cocoon.' You will then abtain the same power as Raithwall once had. You will be able to defeat Venus.


アーシェ→「ヴェーネス…… あなた方と同じオキューリアですね」

Ashe : Venus... is also Ocuria isn't he.



King Geln : He is a heretic!!


ゲルン王→「破魔石は我らに選ばれ者のみが手にすべき力 だがヴェーネスは人間に

破魔石の秘密を教え まがいものを作らせている! 偽りの破魔石を掲げる者どもを

許してはならぬ 我らが捧げる真の破魔石をもって 滅亡の罰を!」

King Geln : The power of Nethicite is given only to the one who is chosen by us. However, Venus teaches the secrets of Nethicite to the Hummes, and imitations have been created! We cannot allow anyone to carry false Nethicite. With the true ethicite in hand, annihilate them as punishment!


アーシェ→「滅亡!? 帝国を滅ぼせ……と?」

Ashe : Annihilation!? You are saying to destroy the empire...?


ゲルン王→「人の子は常に歴史をくるわせる 短すぎる生に焦り くだらぬ欲望にか

られ あやまちを重ねつつ滅びへとひた走るばかりよ 我ら不滅のオキューリアが無

知なる人の子を導き 時には罰を下してこなければ…… イヴァリースはとうに滅び

ていた 我ら不滅なる者には正しき歴史を定める義務がある 我らに選ばれし者には

正しき歴史に逆らう者に罰を下す義務がある 王女よ そなたは選ばれたのだ 国を

奪った者どもに復讐を遂げ救国の聖女となれ 選ばれし者の義務を果たせ!」

King Geln : Man's children have always driven history into madness. In the short span of their lives, they mold history to meet their senseless desires, bringing it toward ruin. We immortal Ocuria lead these ignorant children of man. If we fail to deliver punishment... Ivalice will fall to ruin. We immortals have the obligation to provide a correct history, It is then also our obligation to deliver punishment to ones that fight against this correct history. Princess, You have been chosen. Take the revenge to save your country and fulfill your obilgation as the choosen holy maiden.


ヴァン→「アーシェ! なんなんだよ オキューリアって わけわかんない命令ばっ


Vaan : Ashe! What the hell was that. The Ocuria giving senseless orders...


フラン→「言われた通り 復讐するの?」

Fran : Will you do as they said and take revenge?



Ashe : What?


バッシュ→「我々にも声だけは届いておりました 彼らは神に等しい存在かもしれま

せんが…… 殿下 私は反対です 帝国といえども滅ぼすなど」

Basch : We only were able to hear the voices. Perhaps they are a god-like race... Highness, I am opposed to what they have said. Even if it is the empire, annihilation is too much.


パンネロ→「あの…… ドクター・シドはどうなったんでしょう? ここに来るって


Panelo : Umm, what happened to Doctor Cid? He said that he was going to come here



Basch : Certainly it's too late.


バルフレア→「あぁ 気づくのが遅すぎた 奴は来ない オレたちは引っかかったん

だ ドラクロアを思い出せ アーシェに石を手に入れさせたい…… そんな口ぶり

だったろ だから破魔石を見せびらかしギルヴェガンの話オレたちを呼び寄せて……


Balflear : Too late for us to notice that he isn't going to come. we're being used. Remember at Draclor, he wanted Ashe to get the stone... This is why he showed us his Nethicite and spoke about Giruvegan... He wanted to push us so that Ashe and the Ocuria would meet.


パンネロ→「でも私たちが破魔石を手に入れたら 帝国の邪魔になりますよね」

Panelo : But, if we obtain Nethicite we will become a problem for the empire right!


バルフレア→「破魔石同士がぶつかるのを見たいんじゃないのか あいつの考えそう


Balflear : He wants to see the Nethicite pieces clash. That's the way he thinks.



Ashe : I'm going to search for 'Heaven's Cocoon'


バルフレア→「歴史は人間が築くもの……あいつの持論だった オキューリアの石で

動く歴史なんて あいつには我慢できないはずだ あいつ……ずっとヴェーネスと話

してたんだな おかしくなったんじゃぁなかったんだ」

Balflear : The history is what man builds... That is his opinion. He doesn't have the patience for history made by the Ocuria... All this time he was

speaking with Venus. He didn't go insane after all.


Translated by kilz3m

Edited by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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