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ラーサー→「アーシェ王女と和解しダルマスカの独立を認めるべきです 大戦を防ぐ


Lasra: We have to mediate a truce with Queen Ashe and reconize Dalmasca as an independent country. That is the only way to avoid all out war.


ヴェイン→「必要な戦いだ そもそも彼女の方こそ心から戦いを望んでいる わが国


Vayne: It is a neccessary battle. She also desires this war from the bottom of her heart. Revenge on our country.


ラーサー→「僕は違うと思います アーシェさんはそんな人じゃない」

Larsa: I don't think that is true. Ms. Ashe is not that kind of person.



Vayne: You are still naive.



Larsa: Why have you made this decision!


ヴェイン→「ならばガブラス…… 卿が見極めろ アーシェ王女が求めるものが平和

か あるいは闘争か その目で確かめてこい」

Vayne: Well then, Gabranth... I would like for you to check this for me. Is Ashe seeking peace... or conflict. I would like you to confirm the answer with your own eyes.


ガブラス→「わが国への復讐を望むなら斬る ……それでよろしゅうございますか」

Gabranth: If she desires revenge on our country, I wiil kill here. Would that be appropiate?


ラーサー→「僕はあの人を信じてる それにガブラス 卿の目も 卿に賭けたい 卿


Lasra: I trust her. Further more Gabranth, I would also like you to do this for me as I also trust your eyes.



Gabranth: ...Understood



Cid: Your little brother is still so innocent.



Vayne: I like him to be so.


シド→「ん どうしたヴェーネス? ……ほう 餌にかかったか 早いな」


Cid: What's that Venus? ... oh, so they've taken the bait then... that was fast.

The queen has been awarded the sword by the Ocuria.


ヴェイン→「不滅の神々が導きたもう正しき歴史を守る聖女 その手に新たな破魔石


Vayne: So the immortal gods have picked their saint to protect their just histroy. And from that hand, new Nethicite will be cut.


シド→「ふん オキューリアの石など! 馬鹿力だけでろくに制御できん出来損ない

だ しょせん実験材料にすぎん」

Cid: Bah.. Ocuria stones... Raw energy that can't be controled. Nothing more than material to experiment on.



Vayne: We assaulted two countries to get our hands on it.


シド→「あぁ 犠牲には感謝しとるよ おかげで人造破魔石が完成した 優秀で確実


シド→「……なぁヴェーネス わしはなかなかの弟子だろう」

Cid: Ah yes, and I thank you much for those actions. Because of that we successfully completed our man-made Nethicite. A truly superior weapon.

Isn't that right Venus? I'm a pretty good student aren't I?


ヴェーネス→「私は助言を与えたにすぎない あれを完成させたのは君たち人間の力

だ 素晴らしいものだ……わずか6年で 人間の情熱は想像も不可能も越えて進む」

Venus: I have just given you advice. The success of the Nethicite was only made possible by the power of you hummes. It's amazing. In just 6 years, your passonate efforts have exceeded the imposible.


シド→「人生は短いんでな あんたら不滅の存在と違ってもたもたできんのよ」

Cid: Well, life is short for us. We can't be taking too much time to do things like your kind and their everlasting lives.


ヴェイン→「あぁ 踏み潰してでも進まなければ何も成し遂げられなかった」

Vayne: Yes, even if we get trampled, we must move forward or nothing will get accomplished.


シド→「あんたの仕事はこれからだ 神を気取るオキューリアの意思を越えて歴史を


Cid: You work has just started. You must take back history from the Ocurians who are playing god. Bring it back into our people's hands.


ヴェーネス→「そうだ ギルヴェガンにこもって不滅の時に停滞するゲルン王には…

… 歴史を導く資格などない ヴェイン 君のために祈ろう 高みへとたどりつける


Venus: That's right. Locking himself in Giruvegan all these years, King Gerun is no longer qualified to write history. That is why I pay for your success Vayne. To bring us up above into a new age.


ヴェイン→「たどりつくさ この私にふさわしい場所へな」

Vayne: To reach a place more fitting of me.


Translation by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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