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レダス→「……あぁ 漁船でも何でも構わんから帆船を出せ グロセアエンジンは使
い物にならん 停まった船は捨ててこい 乗組員が助かればいい」
レダス→「リドルアナ大瀑布の付近で水上船団が遭難した 何の前触れもなく全機関
停止…… どうやら原因は強烈なミストの干渉だ あの海域はヤクトだが飛空挺どこ
レダス→「ギルヴェガンでの話を聞こうか その顔だと当てが外れたようだが……
Redas: ...ah I don't care if it's a fishing boat or whatever, just get a boat out there! The Groserngin is already trashed. Just worry about saving the crew!
One of our crews had an accident around the Ridorana Cataract area. Without warning all the engines suddenly stopped... it seems that the cause was a strong mist. That area of the ocean is Yackt but, for sea vessels to fail in the airship area...
Let me hear about your visit to Giruvegan. By looking at your face I can guess the result but... what Cid said was bullshit huh.
アーシェ→「えぇ けれど真実も知りました それに彼が何をめざしているかも」
Ashe: Yes, however, well also learned the truth. I think that we know want he's really after too.
レダス→「神授の破魔石が切れ端にすぎんだと 不滅のオキューリアだか知らんが
Redas: They say that the Nethicite stone's are merely scrap? I don't exactly know much about these Ocuria but, those stones cause a lot of trouble.
繭がすべての破魔石の力の源だというなら…… 壊せば『黄昏の砕片』も無力にな
るかもしれない 人造破魔石には効果がないでしょうけどね」
Fran: But, if we use the Heavenly king's sword to smash Heaven's cocoon, no new pieces can be taken. Also if the cacoon is truly the source of the stones power, then the presently existing pieces will most likely become useless as well. Although, probably no effect of the man-made stones.
バルフレア→「もうひとつ道がある 『契約の剣』で新しい石を取り出して黄昏の砕
Balflear: Another path would be to use the Sword of contract to cut new stones and use them to fight the man-made ones.
レダス→「また石を使おうって奴がいたら俺がゆるさんよ あんなもの捨てるに限
Redas: I won't forgive anyone thinking about making more stones. We need to completely rid ourselves of them.
ヴァン→「どっちにしろ まず『天陽の繭』を見つけろってことだろ 場所は絶海の
ヴァン→「なんか知らないか レダス」
Van: Well, whatever we do, first we need to find Heaven's cocoon. The location is in a tower sitting in the distant ocean...right?
レダス→「坊主 いい質問だ ドラクロアで見つけたシドの研究資料にそれらしい記
述があった 『ナルドア海』『リドルアナ大瀑布』そして『大灯台』 その調査のた
Redas: Good question kid. From some Cid's research papers I found at Dracroa, I may have the place. Pharos at Ridorana Cataract in the Naldoa Sea. That's why I sent a crew there but... it ended in disaster.
バッシュ→「話がつながったようだな ナルドア海の『大灯台』こそ『絶海の塔』
船の機関を狂わせた強力なミストは天陽の繭の存在を示す 何よりの証拠だ」
Basch: However it all fits. A ship's engine breaks down because of a strong mist in the Naldoa Sea near Pharos. This is the best proof we could have concerning the existance of the tower and Heaven's cocoon.
バルフレア→「そいつはけっこう だがどうやって行く? あの海域はヤクトだ」
Balflear: That's all fine but, How will we get there then. That Sea is Yackt.
レダス→「お前のふねに組み込んでみろ ヤクト対応型の飛空石らしい」
Redas: Try using this on your ship. It seems to be a floater stone that works even in Yackt.
バルフレア→「これもドラクロアでの戦利品かい? 自分で使ったらどうだ」
Balflear: Is this also one of your war spoils from Dracroa? Why don't you use it on your own ship?
レダス→「俺の船はビュエルバ製でな 規格が合わん シュトラールに合えばヤクト
レダス→「アーシェ王女 俺も同行させてもらう かまわんな?」
Redas: My ship is a Bhujerba make. It isn't compatable. If you use it on Shutral, it should be able to fly in the Yackt.
Princess Ashe, would you mind if I came along?
アーシェ→「はい ただひとつ教えてください あなたはなぜそこまで」
Ashe: I don't mind but tell me one thing. Why go that far?
Redas: Nabudis
Ashe: It's your... hometown?
レダス→「まぁ 忘れられん場所ではあるな」
Redas: Well, let's just say it's a place I can't forget.
Translation by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx
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