Basch: So you're still alive...
ガブラス→「俺はジャッジマスターだ 今は野良犬同然だがな 故郷を滅ぼした帝国
Gabranth: I'm a judge master. Although, now I nothing more than a stray dog like you. This is my punishment for wagging my tail at the empire that destroyed my home.
バッシュ→「やめろ それ以上自分をおとしめるな」
Basch: Stop. Don't be so hard on yourself.
ガブラス→「貴様に何がわかる! なぜだ! ランディスもダルマスカも守れなかっ
た貴様が…… 今なお 自分を見失わずにいられるのはなぜだ!」
Gabranth: What do you understand! Why! The you that failed to protect Randis and Dalmasca... you should be someone who has completely lost himself!
バッシュ→「俺には守るべき人がいた……それだけだ お前がここにいるのもラー
Basch: I have someone that I needed to protect... that's all. Isn't the reason that you are here now for the safety of Lasra!
ガブラス→「黙れ! 俺はすべてを奪われた! 故郷を捨てた貴様を許せん 残る思
Gabranth: Shut up! I have lost everything! The only think I can think about now is that.... I can't forgive you for throwing away our home!
ガブラス→「守りたいものほど守れはしない…… 違うか!」
Gabranth: As much as you want to protect something, it is impossible protect it... is that wrong!?
バッシュ→「お前の問いに答えるのが…… 兄としてのつとめだな」
Basch: I will answer your question... as it is my duty as a brother.
Gabranth: Are you satisfied?
バッシュ→「そうだろう ノア」
Basch: That's my line, right Noah?
Gabranth: I am no longer qualified to be called by that name.
Basch: Live... and and atone.
Translation by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx
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