ヴェイン→「どうやら私は覇王になりそこねた 君の願いは別の人間に託してくれ」
Vayne: Venus!
It doesn't seem like I will be able to become the next heavenly king. Please entrust someone else with your desires.
ヴェーネス→「とうにかなえられた 繭は砕け 破魔石の歴史は終わった 世界はも
はや不滅なる者を必要とはしない 君の歩みを見届ける 共にゆこう」
Venus: They have already been realized. The cocoon is broken and the age of the Nethicite has ended. This world no longer needs immortals. I saw your progress with my own eyes. Let's move on together.
ヴェイン→「新たなる歴史のはじまりを告げよう シドが待っている」
Vayne: We must inform him about the beginning of a new history. Cid is waiting.
Translated by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx
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