

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 9 months ago

手紙 パンネロ→「この1年はあっという間に過ぎていった気がする ラバナスタはもう

すっかり元通り パパやママが生きていたあの頃のよう」

パンネロ→「……もちろん失ったものはたくさんある でも 過去は捨てて未来だけ


パンネロ→「来月はいよいよアーシェの戴冠式 アーシェがますます遠い存在になる

けど…… それは仕方ない」

パンネロ→「だって 女王様なんだから」

Letter(Panelo): It seems that the past year has gone by so fast. Rabanastre is steadily rebuilding and it feels like the time when my father and mother were alive... ofcourse there were a lot of things that we lost but, I'd like to forget about the past and embrace the future. Next month, Ashe will finally have her enthronement ceremony. It seems that she is getting to be further and further away from us but, it can't be helped i guess. She is the princess after all.



Panelo: I can't wait to see you again at the ceremony!






Basch: Did you call for me?



Lasra: Yes.


手紙 パンネロ→「……バッシュ小父様はお元気? イヴァリースの平和のためにあなたの


パンネロ→「本当はアーシェのもとへ戻ってほしい 彼女 立場や責任があるから何

も言わないけど きっと淋しがってるはず」

Letter(Panelo): How is Basch doing over there? I know that he went back with you to help hold the peace in Ivalice but, the truth is, I'd like him to come back to be with Ashe. She has a lot of work and responsiblity on her shoulders and although she doesn't say it, I think that she must be lonely.




ガブラス→「……帝国は一枚岩ではない 頼む ラーサー様を護ってくれ」

Gabranth: ...the empire is not a monarch. Please, look after Lasra for me.


バッシュ→「心配するな ガブラス ダルマスカの為でもある」

Basch: Don't worry Gabranth. He is just as important to Dalmasca.


ガブラス→「それを聞いて安心した すまない ……兄さん」

Gabranth: It's a relief to hear you say that. I'm sorry... brother.


手紙 パンネロ→「肝心なことを伝えていなかった 預かっていたシュトラール号盗まれ


Letter(Panelo): I haven't told you the main reason that I'm writing to you. Truth is the Shutral was stolen.


バルフレア→『クレバドスの秘宝を見つけた ベルベナスで待つ』

Balflear: We found some secret treasure in Creibadoth. We'll wait for you at Belbenath.


パンネロ→「メンテナンスしたばかりだったのよ シュトラール でも持ち主が持っ


Panelo: We just finished the maintenance on Shutral too. But, we can't do anything about the real owner taking back his ship.






Balflear(note): Give this to the princess for me.


手紙 パンネロ→「戴冠式までまだたっぷり時間があるから 二人に会いに行くんだって


パンネロ→「もちろん私も一緒 いよいよ空賊デビューよ」

Letter(Panelo): Since there is still tons of time before the ceremony, Van is eager to go and meet those two. Of course, I'll be going too. It's our sky pirate debut!


Translation by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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