こらカイツ! おつかい放り出して何してるんだ?
Van: Kaitz! Are you slacking off or what?
見て見てヴァン兄! コイツだよ! コイツのせいで品物が来なかったんだ!
Kaitz: Look at this Van! It's him! He's the reason why the delivery hasn't come yet!
えーと…… 東の砂漠に出没? なんだコイツ?
Van: Hmm.. hangs around the East desert... What is this thing?
トマジ→「ようヴァン お前もおつかいか? ミゲロさんも相当忙しいみたいだな まぁ 帝国の執政官様を歓迎する宴を仕切るとなれば…… 用事は山ほどあるってわけか
Tomaji: Yo Van! Miguelo has got you working too huh? He must be really busy. Well, I guess the new impirial consul is coming so there must be tons of work to do right.
歓迎したくなんてないけどな それよりトマジ コイツは?
Van: If it were up to me, I wouldn't do anything for him but... anyway, what is this Tomaji?
トマジ→「あぁ 困った奴だよ こんな魔物がうろついてるせいで運び屋の到着が遅れて あれこれ品不足でな だからこうやって誰かに退治を頼んでる やっつけた奴にはちょっとした報酬アリだ
Tomaji: Ahh, that one is a real problem. Because of him all the shipments are late and we are short on everything... That's why I posted this to have someone take care of him for me. There's a bit of a reward for whoever gets it done.
へぇ…… ミゲロさんのおつかいよりおもしろそうな"仕事"だな
Van: Cool... That sounds a lot more interesting than Miguelo's job.
そうだね ヴァン兄 やってみようよ!
Kaitz: Yeah Van, Let's do it!
お前はミゲロさんに届ける物があるだろ 早く戻らないと 困ってたぞ
Van: You have some stuff to bring back Miguelo's shop right? You better get back now Kaitz.
いけね 忘れてた!
Kaitz: Oh my god! I totally forgot about that!
いいか ヴァン この掲示板に貼られてるのは魔物退治を頼む張り紙ばかりなんだ 賞金をかけられた人のことを「賞金首って言うだろ? それのモンスター版みたいなもんだ な 退治を依頼された魔物は「モブって呼ばれてるぜ このはぐれトマトの張り紙は俺が貼ったんだ 俺が依頼したモブってわけだな もっと詳しく話を聞き たいか?
Tomaji: So Van, the monsters posted on the board here are ones that people want to get rid of. You know how some wanted criminal's have a reward for their capture? This is kind of the same thing except for monsters. They're called "Mobs." I posted this one about the Killer Tomato. Do you want to hear more about the job?
Translated by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx
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