あれ……ガルバナじゃないか こんなところで咲くなんて珍しいな 用事も済んだし 帰ろうか
Van: huh...isn't that a Galbana? It's rare for it to bloom in a place like this... Well, my work here is done. Guess I should start heading back.
あ ヴァン兄! どうしよう 門が閉まっちゃって 街に入れないんだよ! さっきパンネロ姉ちゃんにモブのこと話したんだ そしたらヴァン兄が心配だって言うから ふたりでここまで来たんだけど…… いきなり兵隊が門を閉めるって言い出して大騒ぎになって…… パンネロ姉ちゃんともはぐれちゃって……
Kaitz: Van! What should we do? The gate is shut and they aren't letting anyone in! I told Panelo about the mob and she got worried so we came here together but... The soldier suddenly announced that the gate was closing and started a big uproar... I got seperated from Panelo and...
Van: What...
ちょっと待てよ! オレたちは入れないのにチョコボはいいのかよ!
Van: Hey! Wait a minute! You're letting a chocobo in even though we're stuck out here?!
帝国兵→「何がおかしい このチョコボは血統書つきの式典用だ
「こいつには何万ギルもかかってる お前ら100人あわせたよりよっぽど価値があるってもんだ
「おら 近づくんじゃねぇよ! チョコボにお前らの貧乏くせぇにおが移っちまうだろうが!
Soldier: What's strange about that? This chocobo is a top notch pure bred that's going to be used in the ceremony. It's worth 10's of thousands of gil which is more than 100 of you put together. Hey! Don't get any closer to it! Don't want any of your poverty sticken filth to rub off on it!
Van: That's going too far!
帝国兵→「どけ! このガキ! いいぞ 入れ!
Soldier: Get back you brat!
Go ahead and enter!
Van: bastard...
これはまた立派なチョコボですな ひと目でわかりましたよ ツィッタの鳥でしょ 土が違うとチョコボの育ちも違いますなぁ そうそう…… 土が 変われば味も変わるものでして たとえばダルマスカのバロース酒 深みと香りはアルケイディア産に一歩ゆずりますが…… 実に力強い風味で これはこれで 悪くないものです いかがですかな もちろん人数分ご用意しとりますよ
Miguelo: Oh, this is a fine chocobo indeed. You can tell at just a glance... he's from Citta Island right? Yes, a chocobo is greatly effected by its surroundings. Just like Dalamasca Barose wine. Sure it's a step behind the body and aroma of the imperial make but... In truth, it does have a bold kick to it. How about it? Of course I have prepared enough for several of you.
帝国兵→「おい "積荷"を通したら予定通り門は封鎖だ くそ 鎧の中が砂だらけだ……!
Soldier: hey, as soon as this "cargo" is through, make sure to blockade the gate as planned. Damn it... It's like i have a whole desert sitting inside my armour... damn sand...
あんまり心配させんでおくれよ まぁ おおごとにならんで何よりだ
Miguelo: Don't make me worry about you like that! well, at least nothing bad happened.
さぁ 私たちも行こう?
Panelo: Well, should we get going?
おぉ じきに式典が始まってしまうな こりゃあ急がんとな
Miguelo: Oh! The ceremony is about to start! We need to hurry up!
あ ちょっと! 待ってよ なに…… ねぇ どうしたの ヴァン!
Panelo: Ah! hey! Wait a sec! What's wrong with you Van
Translated by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx
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