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ダラン→「よう悪ガキ 久しぶりじゃのぉ 東門の帝国兵をとっちめる方法でも聞きにきおったか

Dalan: Hey there brat. Long time no see. Did you come to ask about how you can get back at those east gate guards?



なんだ もう知ってるのか

Wow, so you already know about that huh?




I can't call myself an informant otherwise now can I?



まぁ あいつらにはいつか仕返しするけどな 今日の用事はそうじゃない

Van: Well, I want to get back at them sometime but that's not why I'm here today.




Daran: Oh...



王宮に忍び込む方法を知りたいんだ すごい宝がいっぱいあるんだろ ちょっと盗んでやろうと思ってさ

I want to know how to sneak into the palace. There is a lot of treasure right? I thought that it would be nice to go steal some of it.



なんとまぁ…… えらく簡単に言いよるわ 王宮も宝も何もかも帝国に押さえられとるんじゃぞ

Well... I'll put it plainly for you. The palace, treasure and everything else is heavily guarded by the empire.



だからやるんだよ ダルマスカのものを取り戻すんだ

Van: That's exactly why I want to do it. I want to take back what's Dalmasca's.



ダルマスカのものをダルマスカに……か お前にしてはご立派な決意じゃな ふむ……そういえば古いウワサがあったのぅ 王宮の宝物庫に通じる秘密の扉があって 魔力を秘めた石版で開くとか

Daran: Take Dalmasca's treasure for Dalmasca huh... That's a pretty good idea for you. Hmm.. now that I think about it, there is an old rumor. A secret door leading to the palace treasure that can only be found with magic stone.



それそれ そういう話を知りたかったんだよ で その石版ってどこにあるんだ

Van: Now that's exactly the kind of information I wanted to know... so? Where is the stone?



ん わしが持っとるよ はて どこにしまったかのぅ……

Daran: I have it but, where was that...



……なぁ 説明はもういいから その石版……<クレセントストーン>だっけ? それ貸してくれよ そいつがあれば王宮の隠し通路に入れるんだろ

Van: You can expain it more in detail later. That stone is called a crescent stone right? Could you give it to me? If I have it, I can find the hidden pasage right?



ばかもん 全然話を聞いとらんではないか クレセントストーンは魔力を失っとる 太陽石で魔力を取り戻さんと役に立たん

Daran: Idiot. You're not listening to me at all. This crescent stone has lost its magic power. We need a sunlight stone to restore its power.



あ そうだっけ えーと 太陽石があるのは たしか……

Van: Oh.. ok. well, I think that sunlight stones are...



<ギーザ草原>じゃ あの辺に住んどる連中に話を聞けば手に入るじゃろ ここを出て南にゆけば南門から<ギーザ草原>に出られる そのまま南に進めば集落じゃ 道中魔物が出るから油断するでないぞ

Daran: in the Giza Plains. If you talk to the people there, you probably can get your hands on one. If you go out the south gate you'll be in the Giza Plains. If you go due south, you'll come to the settlement. There will be some monsters along the way so don't be stupid.



わかってるって じゃあ ちょっと行ってくる

えーと……ギーザ草原に行くには ここを右に行って外に出ればいいんだったよな

Van: Yeah yeah, I got it. See you later.

Well then... If take a right here and go outside, I'll be in the Giza Plains.


Translation by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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