ダラン→「おぅ 元気そうではないか ナルビナ送りと聞いとったぞ」
Dalan: Oh! You're not looking so bad. I heard that they sent you to Nalbina.
ヴァン→「抜け出してきたんだ それだけじゃなくて……ほら」
Van: I escaped and came back but, that's not all...Look.
Dalan: What... you stole this!?
Van: Not without the help of my favorite old man.
ダラン→「ふむ……ガキだと思っとったが やるようになったの よし ヴァンよ
お前を見込んで頼みがある カイツにまかせるつもりでおったがお前の方がふさわし
かろう いや……お前でなくてはならん こいつをな アズラスという男に届けてく
Dalan: Hmm... I was thinking that you were just a brat but, you've become quite capable. Well then Van, I have something for you to do. I was going to ask Kaitz but, you'll probably be better suited for the job... or rather, you must be the one to do this for me. I want you to give this to a man named Azura.
ヴァン→「これって…… 騎士団の剣じゃないか」
Van: This is... a knight's sword isn't it?
ダラン→「アズラスの居場所は地図に印をつけておいた よいか 必ず本人に直接手
渡すんじゃぞ わしの名を出せば取り次いでくれるはずじゃ」
Dalan: I'll write down his location on your map. Ok now listen. I need you to give it to him directly. If you use my name, they should let you in.
「なぁ……引き受ける代わりにオレもひとつ頼んでいいか? パンネロがど
こにいるか調べてくれよ 王宮の宝 見せてやろうと思ったのに見当たらなくて……
Van: Got it. By the way, in return for this I'd like to ask for a favor too. Find out where Panelo is for me. I wanted to show her what I got from the palace and have been looking for her but...
ダラン→「おぅ 調べておこう」
Dalan: Ok, I'll get to it.
Van: I'm counting on you
ダラン→「あの剣で かつての団結を思い出せばよいがのう……」
Dalan: It would be good if that sword will bring back some memeries of the past to them.
Translated by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx
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