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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

バッシュ→「オンドール侯爵は2年前 私が処刑されたと発表した人物だ 私の生存


Basch: Duke Ondole was the man that announced my dead. If it were known that I was infact alive again. It would endanger his position.




Balflear: The anti-imperialists that are funded by the duke are probably bored now anyway. If we spread a rumor that you are still alive, they might take the bait.


ヴァン→「だったらオレが街じゅうに言いふらしてくるよ こんな風にさ」



Van: If that's what needs to be done I could walk through town and say something like "I'm General Basch Fon Rosenburg of Dalmasca!"

How's that?


バルフレア→「……まぁ 目立つのはたしかだな よしヴァン お嬢ちゃんを助ける

ためにもやるだけやってこい できるだけ人の多い場所でな オンドール侯爵と接触

できるかどうかはお前次第だ オレたちがここにいる 何かあったら戻ってこい」

Balflear: Well, you definately stand out anyway. Alright Van, go out and give it a go so we can rescue that girl. If you can, try to shout it in crowded places. We're depending on you to meet the duke. We'll be waiting here so, if anything happens, come back to us


ガイド→「おい 小僧 ちょっと来てもらおうか」

gyde: Hey kid, come here for a second.


解放軍→「連れてきたぞ ハバーロ こいつが"将軍"だとよ」

Liberation Army Soldier: We brought him back Habarlo. He says he's the general.


ハバーロ→「ふん 似ても似つかんな」

Habarlo: hmmph, doesn't look anything like him.


解放軍→「ケッ やっぱり別人か タチの悪いイタズラしやがって!」

Liberation Army Soldier: Aa... I knew it couldn't be him. Damn kid pulling a trick on us.


ハバーロ→「ただのイタズラならいいが そこらのガキがローゼンバーグ将軍を名乗

るとは思えん 締め上げて背後関係を吐かせろ 最近帝国の犬がかぎまわってるから


Habarlo: If it was just a trick, that would be fine but, I don't think that he would decided to call himself the general on his own accord. Tell us your relationships that brought you into this. Too many imperial dogs have been sniffing around here lately.


バルフレア→「あんたらの組織と侯爵の関係をかい? 街のガイドを隠れミノに情報

活動か 酒場の奥がアジトとはまた古典的だねぇ」

Balflear: About the relationship between your group and the duke? Informants posing as town guide and a hideout in the middle of a bar is so old fasioned.


解放軍→「なんだ!? てめえら?」

Liberation Army Soldier: Just who are these guys?


ハバーロ→「待て あんたは…… 本当に生きていたのか……!」

Habarlo: Wait... so you really are alive...!


Translated by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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