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王都ラバナスタ 『ラバナスタ 執政官執務室』


ヴェイン→「帝都の老人どもに足止めされている間にこの復興ぶりだ まったくこの


Vayne: While those old men in the senate put me into confinement, I see that the hopes of revitalization have risen. This country is really quite strong...


ガブラス→「現在 ラバナスタの反乱分子は孤立しておりますが…… 今後外部勢力

から支援を受けると厄介です 特にビュエルバの反帝国組織は不自然なほど資金が豊

富です やはりオンドール候が背後から糸を オンドールを押さえるべきです」

Gabranth: Though, the small Rabanastre resistance has currently been made helpless, if it were to join up with other outside forces, the resistance could become a problem. Especially the anti-imperialist Duke of Bhujerba with his ungodly fortune. As I thought, he seems to be weaving his own plans in the backround. Ondole needs to be put down.


ヴェイン→「ところが彼から連絡があってな 檻から逃げた犬を捕らえてギースに引


Vayne: Speaking of which, I was just connacted by him. It seems that the dog that escaped from his cage has been caught and delivered to Ghis.



Gabranth: I will be the one to kill him.


ヴェイン→「見上げた弟だ あぁ ギースがラーサーを連れ帰る 明朝ビュエルバを

発つそうだ 卿に本国まで送ってほしい ドクター・シドが来るのでな 外してく


Vayne: A brother to look up to.. Ah yes, Ghis is also bringing Lasra back. I heard that they depart Bhujerba tomorrow morning. I'd like for him to make it back to Archades. Well, Doctor Cid will has arrived, please leave us to talk.


シド→「現場を視察しないと話にならん ナブディスの件もある あぁ 偽装はして

いる 馬鹿どもには幻を追わせるさ そうだ 歴史を人間の手に取り戻すのだ」

「おう ヴェイン 執政官職を楽しんでいるようだな」

Cid(to himself): If I can't inspect the actual site it's not worth talking about. There was also the Nabudis incident... ah! It's disguised. we'll make them chase phantoms... yes.. We are taking history back into our hands after all...

Cid(to Vayne): Vayne! Consul work looks to be pretty fun huh?


ヴェイン→「2年も待たされたのでな 帝都はどうだ 元老院のお歴々は?」

Vayne: Well, they made me wait two years for it. How is the capital and what of the senate?


シド→「まめに励んどるよ あんたの尻尾をつかもうとな」

Cid: They are working hard... trying to catch your tail.



Vayne: Let them try


Translation by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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