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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

バッシュ→「きみが持っていたとはな これも縁だろう」

Basch: The fact that you brought that... it must be destiny.



Balflear: Was it also destiny that I got caught up in this mess?



Soldier: Shut up and walk!


バッシュ→「あの場では他に手はなかった 仕方あるまい」

Basch: There was no one else we could ask at the time... It couldn't be helped


バルフレア→「任務が優先か さすが将軍閣下 それにしてもあれが王女とはね」

Balflear: Duty takes priority



Soldier: I told you guys to be quiet...



Basch: So you recieved guidance from the Duke...


ウォースラ→「初めて頭を下げた いいか ダルマスカが落ちて2年 俺はひとりで

殿下を隠し通してきた 敵か味方かわからん奴を今まで信じられなかったのだ」

Vossler: The first time i have taken such guidance. It's been two years since the fall of Dalmasca and I have been keeping the princess hidden by myself. I couldn't trust people that couldn't be distingish as friend or foe.


バッシュ→「苦労させたな 俺の分まで」

Basch: You've done well. Even doing my part.


ウォースラ→「助け出す 手を貸してくれ」

Vossler: I'm going to get her highness out of this. Please lend me your hand.



Basch: Of course


ウォースラ→「ちょっと待て 出発の前に言っておくことがある 道路に赤いアミみ

たいなものが見えるだろう あれは侵入者の探知装置だ あれにふれると艦内に警報

が発令され帝国兵たちが集まってくる 時間がたてば警報は解除されるが騒ぎなどが

起こらんに越したことはない いいか 気をつけるんだぞ」

Vossler: Before we set out, there is one thing I'd like to tell you. You can see the red web like lights right? It is equipment for detecting intruders. If you touch it the ship's alarm will go off and soldiers will begin to gather at that area. After a set amount of time the alarm will cease but, it will be easier to get this done if we don't cause a lot of commotion.


ウォースラ→「殿下 ご無事で」

Vossler: I'm glad to see that you're safe your highness



Ashe: Vossler...



Vossler: Your highness


アーシェ→「ありがとう 大丈夫です 私……」

Ashe: Thank you. I'm ok.


ヴァン→「ぐずぐずするなよ 時間がないんだぞ パンネロが待ってるんだ」

Van: This is no time for standing around! We don't have anytime to loose! Panelo is still waiting for us!


バルフレア→「さっさとしてくれ 敵が来る」

Balflear: Well let's hurry up and get this done. Enemies are coming



Vossler: We can continue our talk later on.



Ashe: ...ok


バッシュ→「殿下 我らが血路を開きます」

Basch: You're highness, we will find a way for you to escape



Ashe: I don't need help from a traitor


ウォースラ→「なんとしても必要です 自分がそう判断しました」

「引き返すぞ 艦載艇を奪って脱出するぞ 殿下は無力な自分を許せん

お方だ だが現実を受け入れてもらうしかない」

Vossler: Even if he is, we need his help now.

We're going to go back the way we came and escape from the warship.

I know that he is a person that you cannot forgive but, we are powerless now and the reality is that accepting his help is our only chance. Please understand.


Translated by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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