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Sand Ocean: Ogir Ensa



Ashe: Is that work related too?


バルフレア→「有名人のつらいところさ こうでもしないとすぐに見つかる さてフ

ネはここまでだ この先は『ヤクト』だからな」

Balflear: That's the price of being famous. If I didn't do stuff like that, people would find me right away. Well, that's it for the ship for now... because of the Yakuto of course.


アーシェ→「砂の海を越えて 死者の谷に向かいます 目指すレイスウォール王墓は


Ashe: We need to cross the ocean of sand and head for the valley of death. Our goal is inside the Tomb of Raithwall.


ヴァン→「『ヤクト』ってのはさ 飛空石が働かない土地のこと だからふねで飛ん


Van: The "yakuto" is land where the floater stone doesn't work so we won't be able to fly the ship over it.



Panelo: When it comes to airships you actually seem to know a lot don't you?


ヴァン→「まぁね そりゃあ空賊めざしてるし ……って おい! 『だけ』は余計


Van: yeah, well, I want to be a sky pirate someday and... hey, don't say it like that's the ONLY thing I know about!



Balflear: Looks like it's going to be a long and tedious trip huh?



Ashe: Yeah...



Panelo: So where is Raithwall's tomb exactly?


バッシュ→「西の果てだな このオグル・エンサを横断しさらに西のナム・エンサも

越えてやっとたどりつく ダルマスカの国土よりも広大な砂漠だ 無理をして先を急

ぐとかえって危ない 疲れたら遠慮なく言いなさい」

Basch: It's lies in the extreme east. Right now we are in Ogir Ensa. We will go west until we get to Nham Ensa and will keep going west all the way till we finally reach the tomb at the western edge. This desert is quite vast compared to Dalmasca. It dangerous to go too fast so you don't have to overdo it. If you get tired, please say so.


パンネロ→「平気ですよ 私意外とたくましいんです」

Panelo: I'm fine thanks. I'm a lot stronger than I look.


バッシュ→「……あぁ そうだな きみたちは本当に強い」

Basch: hmm... that's true. You guys really are strong.


Translated by Matthew Niemi aka sigelx

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