

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago

Japanese-->English Spell Names Translations


Magic by School Color

JapaneseEnglishMP consumptionDescription
1ケアルCure8 MPHeals small amount of HP on one ally
1ブラナBlindna8 MPNullify 'Blind' status from one ally
2ポイゾナPoisona8 MPNullify 'Poison' status from one ally
2ボキャルVocal8 MPNullify 'Silence' status from one ally
3ケアルラCura32 MPHeals medium amount of HP on allies within an area
3ストナStona12 MPNullify 'Petrified(Stone)' status from one ally
3レイズRaise22 MPRevives one ally
4エスナEsuna24 MPNullify all status alignment/s from one ally
4リジェネRegen16 MPRestore small amount of HP slowly on one ally
5ケアルダCurada68 MPHeals large amount of HP on one ally
5デスぺルDispel16 MPNullify status changes from one ally
5リブートReboot20 MPNullify 'Virus' status from one ally
6アレイズAraise50 MPRevives one ally with full HP
6ケアルガCuraga68 MPHeals large amount of HP on allies within an area
6デスペガDispelga36 MPNullify status changes from allies within an area
7エスナガEsunaga72 MPNullify status alignment/s from allies within an area
7ホーリーHoly60 MPDeals large holy damage to single enemy
8フルケアFull Cure98 MPComplete HP restore on allies within an area
フラッシュFlashN/AEnemy-only spell


JapaneseEnglishMP consumptionDescription
1サンダーThunder8 MPDeals small fire damage to single enemy
1ファイアFire8 MPDeals small lightning damage to single enemy
1ブリザドBlizzard8 MPDeals small ice damage to single enemy
2ウォータWater12 MPDeals small water damage to single enemy
2エアロAero16 MPDeals small wind damage to single enemy
3サンダラThundara18 MPDeals medium thunder damage to enemies within an area
3ファイラFira18 MPDeals medium fire damage to enemies within an area
3ブリザラBlizzara18 MPDeals medium ice damage to enemies within an area
4エアロガAeroga38 MPDeals large wind damage to enemies within an area
4バイオBio24 MPDeals medium damage while inflicting 'Slip' status to enemies within an area
5サンダガThundaga42 MPDeals large thunder damage to enemies within an area
5ファイガFiraga42 MPDeals large fire damage to enemies within an area
5ブリザガBlizzaga42 MPDeals large ice damage to enemies within an area
6クラウダClouda48 MPDeals large damage while inflicting 'Slip' status to enemies within an area
6ショックShock34 MPDeals large enemies to one enemy
7アーダーArdor?60 MPDeals severe fire damage to enemies within an area
7フレアーFlare48 MPDeals severe damage to one enemy
ウォタガWatergaN/AEnemy-only Spell
ウォタラWateraN/ADoesn't exist
エアロラAeroraN/ADoesn't exist
8コラプスCollapse70 MPDeals severe damage to enemies within an area


JapaneseEnglishMP consumptionDescription
1スロウSlow8 MPReduce speed of a single enemy
1ドンムブDon't Move16 MPStops a single enemy from moving
2ドンアクDon't Act16 MPStops a single enemy from acting
2リフレクReflect12 MPCause ally to backfire spells
3デジョンDezone18 MPRemove enemies off battle within an area
3ブレイクBreak14 MPMakes single enemy turn into stones after a while
4バヒールDrain12 MPMakes single enemy to loose HP constantly within a period
4バランスBalance18 MPDeals damage depending on the difference between Caster's HP and enemies within an area
5ヘイストHaste20 MPIncreases one ally's speed
5レビテガFloatga20 MPCause allies within an area to float
6カウントCountdown8 MPDeath countdown on one enemy
6ストップStop20 MPStops/Freezes the time on a single enemy
7スロウガSlowga24 MPReduces speed of enemies within an area
7ヘイスガHastega70 MPIncreases speed of allies within an area
7リフレガReflectga24 MPCauses allies within an area to backfire spells
レベル3ドンアクLevel 3 Don't ActN/AEnemy-only?


JapaneseEnglishMP consumptionDescription
1ブラインBlind8 MPReduces single enemy's accuracy
1プロテスProtect8 MPRaises an ally's physical defense
2シェルShell8 MPRaises an ally's magic defense
2ポイズンPoison10 MPCauses single enemy to slowly loose HP
2リフレクReflectN/ADoesn't exist
3サイレスSilence8 MPPrevents single enemy from using magic
3スリプルSleep10 MPPuts single enemy to sleep
4オイルOil8 MPIncrease fire based damage to enemies within an area
4タクシクToxic26 MPCauses enemies within an area to slowly loose HP
5サイレガSilenga22 MPPrevents enemies within an area from using magic
5ブライガBlindga20 MPReduces enemies accuracy within an area
6フェイスFaith24 MPRaises allies magic attack
6ブレイブBrave24 MPRaises allies physical attack
7シェルガShellga40 MPRaises allies magic defense within an area
7スリプガSleepga26 MPPuts enemies to sleep within an area
7プロテガProtectga36 MPRaises physical defense of allies within an area


JapaneseEnglishMP consumptionDescription
1ダークDark10 MPDeals small dark magic damage on enemies within an area
1バーサクBerserk10 MPOrder one ally to constantly attack
2グラビデGravity20 MPDeals 1/4 HP damage on enemies within an area
2コンフュConfuse10 MPCast 'confuse' status on single enemy
3デコイDecoy10 MPCause enemies to target an ally
3ドレインDrain18 MPDrains limited HP from single enemy
4アスピルOsmose2 MPDrains limited MP from single enemy
4ダーラDarkra20 MPDeals medium dark magic damage on enemies within an area
4バニシュVanish24 MPCloaks/Hides one ally
5デスDeath30 MPInstant kill one enemy
5バブルBubble32 MPDoubles one ally's Max HP
6バニシガVanishga60 MPCloaks/Hides allies within an area
6リバースReverse50 MPSwitch damage and healing effects on one enemy
7グラビガGraviga36 MPDeals 1/2 HP damage on enemies within an area
7ダーガDarkga30 MPDeals large dark magic damages on enemies within an area



  • Ben/Matt Chard (Demonkaze)
  • Cheesemeister
  • Christopher Sprague (Tobias Knight)
  • CuteChocobo (Add-in MP consumptions & Description)
  • Koutetsu (General cleanup and English consistency)


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Comments (10)

Anonymous said

at 11:02 am on Mar 16, 2006

You might want to Bold or Italic White so that it stands out more. I was also planning to get started on any spells or skills that i've encountered so far. Let me know if you want me to go ahead with that.

Anonymous said

at 8:43 am on Mar 19, 2006

When adding the English translation for the spells you might want to take into consideration their name in the English FF universe. e.g, the spell "Library" has allways been known as Libra. Let me know if you want me to, the best of my ability, localize them.

Anonymous said

at 10:16 am on Mar 19, 2006

In which game was it "Libra" in English, Demon? The only one I can think of where they had a Libra spell was FF3 (the only FF I've played through in any depth in Japanese), which is still pending its official English translation. FF5? FF2? From FF6-FF10 and for FFIV, that spell has always been "Scan". That said, I have no idea what the spell was called in Japanese for those six games.

Vocal is in the same boat, though in FFXI they called the spell "Sairena" in Japanese. That one I KNOW was what it was called in FFI.

Maybe a compromise where we translate to what it should be in an official English translation to the spell name's side in parantheses?

Meh, bad memories of "Holy" being translated as "White" and "Pearl" are coming back. <grins>

Anonymous said

at 11:42 am on Mar 19, 2006

Haha, I remeber White and Pearl. I think it was FF5 that had the Libra spell and maybe FF2 too, i'll have to check.

Anonymous said

at 12:15 pm on Mar 19, 2006

Remember that these games also had character limits to their string fields. Therefore words like Library and Phoenix Down couldn't fit. (Also It was in Mystic Quest).

Anonymous said

at 1:38 pm on Mar 19, 2006

Ah, my bad. I'm doing my best here to research stuff, though there's no comprehensive guide to FF nouns out there. Trying to compile one on the fly is something of a little distraction. Please feel free to change it back to Libra if you'd like; I was simply trying to interject a clearer meaning. Scan might be better, though.

Anonymous said

at 7:03 pm on Mar 19, 2006

To everyone that worked on this page, please add your name to the Signature at the bottom please. I don't know anyone elses real name so I haven't added your name yet.

Anonymous said

at 7:30 pm on Mar 19, 2006

Setup the "translated by" section. I think this looks the most professional, or at least decent. ^.^

Anonymous said

at 9:03 pm on Mar 26, 2006

Hey guys/girls, do you think its necessary to add in the magics used by monsters too? i.e. Flash and Waterga?
Because if so, there will be a LONG list of magic moves...

Anonymous said

at 10:42 pm on Mar 26, 2006

Ideally, we'll separate that off onto a separate page.

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