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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

Reference Index


This page is considered to be the master source for all translations in this guide. Unless there is some logical ordering presented in the game, all index pages will be arranged in standard Japanese dictionary order, under the following rules.


  1. On-kun order. (あいうえお かきくけこ--->らりるれろわを)
  2. Short vowel sounds come before long vowel sounds. Example - kuruu クルー comes before kuuru クール
  3. A character with no diacritical marks has priority over one with ", which in turn comes before °. Example - へん べん ペン
  4. Large つ comes before little っ. Large よ comes before little ょ, and so forth.


When these pages are finalized, we'll post supplimentary pages with entries listed in alphabetical order by their English translation. The E-J pages will serve merely as reference indices, while the J-E pages will contain any translations of explanations given for a particular entry.


All translations on this site should be considered unofficial, though we're doing our best to match up names based on previous Final Fantasy incarnations. No, any translations in the Demo DO NOT COUNT as official.


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Comments (3)

Anonymous said

at 11:19 pm on Mar 16, 2006

It seems like having E-J pages might lead to extra, unnecessary overhead work and data consistency issues.

Anonymous said

at 7:49 pm on Mar 17, 2006

Any comments on my suggestion to dispense with the E-J pages?

Anonymous said

at 7:59 pm on Mar 17, 2006

I'll take them off this main page for now, Cheese, and shuttle them to a side one. I thought it would be worthwhile to have, but I agree.

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