The items below, with a couple of exceptions, are only meant to be sold for money.
What's the ruling on the exceptions? Seems inconsistent (see potion, etc.). Chronos Tear cures stop. I'd also argue the Teleport Stone and Gyshal Greens. -Cheesemeister
クロノスの涙 appears in the item list, for me... not the treasure list. -taezou
Also, does anybody know a good translation for 魔晶石? There are items in the treasure list named 火の魔晶石, 雷の魔晶石, etc. -taezou
Removing Chronos Tear - I just got to where in the game you actually use can buy it. ^^; Teleport Stone and Gysahl Greens are listed under "Treasure", though. 魔晶石 and 魔石 have both been translated as Magicite, depending on which FF you're playing. Blargh. I'm arbitrarily labeling 魔晶石 Esperite until someone comes up with something better, if that works for you guys...- Shiro
I'd sooner call it Magicite, actually, lest we incite any "Aerith" vs. "Aeris" controversies. -CM
So you'd rather call both Magicite? - Shiro.
Both? Oh, hmm. Are we sure they're both in the game and it's not just a duplicate record on -CM
Anything I'm putting up here are items I see in my inventory now, so yes, we have both. - Shiro
The listing order is the automatic sort order you get by selecting おまかせ via the Square button in the Item menu.
Japanese | English | Value | J Explanation | E Explanation |
テレポストーン | Teleport Stone | 100 | 過去に触れたことのあるセーブポイントにテレポできる石。 | A stone that allows you to teleport to any save point you've touched. |
土の石 | Earth Stone | 35 | | |
風の石 | Wind Stone | 35 | 風の魔力を帯びた石。 ふつうの石に見えるが、風の流れる音がする。 | Stone tinged with wind magic power. Although it looks like an ordinary stone, it sounds like flowing wind. |
水の石 | Water Stone | 35 | 水の魔力を帯びた石。 ふつうの石に見えるが、割ると水がこぼれる。 | Stone tinged with water magic power. Although it looks like an ordinary stone, rushing water flows from it. |
火の石 | Fire Stone | 35 | 火の魔力を帯びた石。 ふつうの石に見えるが、ほのかにあたたかい。 | Stone tinged with fire magic power. Although it looks like an ordinary stone, it is slightly warm. |
氷の石 | Ice Stone | 35 | | |
雷の石 | Thunder Stone | 35 | | |
聖の石 | Holy Stone | 35 | 聖の魔力を帯びた石。 ふつうの石に見えるが、やさしい気持ちになる。 | Stone tinged with holy magic power. Although it looks like an ordinary stone, it gives off a gentle aura. |
闇の石 | Dark Stone | 35 | 闇の魔力を帯びた石。 ふつうの石に見えるが、怪しい影が落ちている。 | Stone tinged with dark magic power. Although it looks like an ordinary stone, it casts a strange shadow. |
土の魔石 | Earth Magicite | 80 | | |
風の魔石 | Wind Magicite | 80 | | |
水の魔石 | Water Magicite | 80 | | |
火の魔石 | Fire Magicite | 80 | | |
氷の魔石 | Ice Magicite | 80 | | |
雷の魔石 | Thunder Magicite | 80 | | |
聖の魔石 | Holy Magicite | 80 | | |
闇の魔石 | Dark Magicite | 80 | | |
土の魔晶石 | Earth Esperite | 160 | | |
風の魔晶石 | Wind Esperite | 160 | | |
水の魔晶石 | Water Esperite | 160 | | |
火の魔晶石 | Fire Esperite | 160 | | |
氷の魔晶石 | Ice Esperite | 160 | | |
雷の魔晶石 | Thunder Esperite | 160 | | |
聖の魔晶石 | Holy Esperite | 160 | | |
闇の魔晶石 | Dark Esperite | 160 | | |
アリエス | Aries | 150 | | |
タウロス | Taurus | 150 | | |
ジェミニ | Gemini | 150 | | |
キャンサー | Cancer | 150 | | |
レオ | Leo | 150 | | |
ヴァルゴ | Virgo | 150 | | |
リーブラ | Libra | 150 | | |
スコーピオ | Scorpio | 150 | | |
サジタリウス | Sagittarius | 150 | | |
カプリコーン | Capricorn | 150 | | |
アクエリアス | Aquarius | 150 | | |
| Pisces | 150 | | |
レーシー | | 1500 | | |
アルカナ | Arcana | 10 | | |
抜け殻 | Snakeskin | | | |
汚れたウール | Dirty Wool | | | |
大きな羽根 | Large Bird Feather | | | |
ネズミの皮 | Rat Pelt | | | |
狼の毛皮 | Wolf Pelt | 41 | | |
クァールの毛皮 | Coeurl Hide | 454 | | |
良質の毛皮 | Quality Fur | 651 | | |
高級毛皮 | Premium Fur | 1124 | | |
小さな羽根 | Small Feather | 49 | | |
チョコボの羽根 | Chocobo Feather | 480 | | |
風切は羽根 | | 1148 | | |
角 | Horn | 120 | | |
まがった牙 | | 287 | | |
大牙 | | 998 | | |
飛竜の牙 | | 1274 | | |
サボテンの実 | Cactus Fruit | 59 | | |
あまい果実 | Sweet Fruit | 363 | | |
さけびの根 | | 1350 | | |
丈夫な骨 | Solid Bone | 428 | | |
修羅の骨 | Grisly Bone | 1435 | | |
良質の木材 | Quality Lumber | 1127 | | |
石材 | Stone | 358 | | |
良質の石材 | Quality Stone | 1425 | | |
天上の宝石 | | 980 | | |
悪魔の目玉 | Demon Eye | 123 | | |
沈黙のトガル | | 475 | | |
静寂のアデド | | 1105 | | |
ボムの抜け殻 | | 896 | | |
千のオルギン | | 1477 | | |
くさった肉 | Rotten Flesh | 143 | | |
ただれた死肉 | Oozing Flesh | 542 | | |
ウジのわいた肉 | | 741 | | |
邪神の肉 | Evil God's Flesh | 1397 | | |
石ころ | Pebble | 2 | | |
折れた大斧 | | 1762 | | |
とんかち | | 2498 | | |
キムイラの首 | Chimera Neck | 2026 | | |
スレイブハーネス | Slave Harness | 815 | | |
シャレコウベ | | 653 | | |
盤古の骨 | Pangu's Bone | 2115 | | |
オリハルク | Orichalcum | 1777 | | |
アインヘリエル | | 1682 | | |
デビルコクテル | | 1863 | | |
死虫 | | 1798 | | |
カエルのタマゴ | Frog Egg | 761 | | |
ベヒーモステーキ | Behemoth Steak | 1671 | | |
ギサールの野菜 | Gyshal Greens | 54 | チョコボの大好き物である野菜。 わずかな苦味があり、人が食べてもおいしい。 食べたチョコボは有頂天になるらしい。 | The favorite greens of Chocobos. Has a slightly bitter taste, and also tastes good to people. A Chocobo that eats this will become ecstatic. |
生命のロウソク | Life's Candle | 1740 | | |
セーブルサイズ | | 1878 | | |
月の砂 | Moon Sand | 1975 | | |
オニオン | Onion | 2010 | | |
空きビン | Empty Bottle | 1 | | |
ふつうの魚 | Ordinary Fish | 10 | | |
おいしい魚 | Tasty Fish | 25 | | |
ブラックフェザー | Black Feather | 0 | | |
黒の珠 | Black Pearl | 1 | | |
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