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Japanese-->English Weapon/武器 Translations



Katanas are weaker than Knight's Swords (Two-handed), but their attack power increases when fighting magical enemies. Governing Attribute: Magic Power

Lv.JapaneseEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1虎徹Kotetsu380050Shop: Rabanastre
1小鳥丸Kotorimaru560058Mt. Bur-Omisace
1備前長船Bizen Osafune480054Jahara, Land of the Garif
2村雨Murasame850066Phon Coast
2孫六兼元Mogoroku Kanemoto660062Nalbina Fortress
3菊一文字Chrysanthemum Line1050070The Imperial City of Archades
3邪迎八景Jagei Hakkei1250074The Port at Balfonheim
4雨のむら雲Rain of the Gathering Clouds1500078(Wind)The Port at Balfonheim
MマサムネMasamune-93Exchange Goods-Gilgamesh Quest


騎士剣(両手剣)/Knight's Swords (Two-handed)

Knight's Swords (Two-handed sword) have high attack power, but keep in mind that you cannot equip shields with them. Sacrifice defense/evasion-rate for pure attack power. Governing Attribute: Strength

Lv.JapaneseEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
契約の剣Sword of the Compact-30Events
覇王の剣Tyrant King Sword-30Events
1クレイモアClaymore1050082The Imperial City of Archades
2セーブザクィーンSave the Queen15500100The Port at Balfonheim
2ディフェンダーDefender1300091The Port at Balfonheim
3アルテマブレイドUltima Blade-118Exchange Goods/Chest: Pharos, bottom level
3ラグナロクRagnarok-109(Don't Move)イクシオン Monster Quest
トロの剣Toro Sword-130(Holy)Exchange Goods
TトウルヌソルTournesol-140Exchange Goods




Sliderules and Firearms are both lacking in attack power. These are weaker than firearms in most cases, but they do have handy status enhancements that auto-starts with every battle. Also ignores target's Defense.

Lv.JapaneseEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1計算尺Sliderule40005(Protect)Jahara, Land of the Garif
1バルガースケールBulger Scale550010(Shell)Mt. Bur-Omisace
2クロススケールCross Scale1100020(Invisible)The Imperial City of Archades
2マルチスケールMultiplication Scale800015(Brave)Mosphoran Highwaste
3千分のノギス1/1000 Calipers1400026(Haste)The Port at Balfonheim
3ユークリッド定規Euclidean Ruler-35(Bubble)'Wild Malboro' Monster Hunt Reward



At first Firearms seem to lack in attack power, but they have the ability to penetrate enemies' armor defense. These would be incredibly useful against enemies with high armor and high attacking rate, since you'll be able to attack from a distance.


All of these names are taken from the names of stars of the first magnitude or brighter. The sole exception to that rule is Ras Algethi, a little-known 3rd magnitude star whose only claim to fame is that it's the brightest star in the constellation of Hercules.


Lv.JapaneseEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
0カペラCapella140010The Royal City of Rabanastre
1アルタイルAltair5006The Royal City of Rabanastre/Balflear default weapon
2ヴェガVega240014The Tomb of Raithwall
2シリウスSirius400018The Royal City of Rabanastre
3ベテルギウスBetelgeuse540022Mt. Bur-Omisace
3ラス・アルゲテイRas Algethi700026The Royal City of Rabanastre
4アルデバランAldebaran1000030Phon Coast
4スピカSpica1300034The Port at Balfonheim
5アルクトゥルスArcturus-44Exchange Goods
6フォーマルハウトFomalhaut-50Chest: Lhusu Mine



Daggers have relatively low attacking power, but the weapon speed make up for the loss. At later in the game, powerful daggers can deal damage equivelent to a sword-user. In addition, dagger wielders can equip a shield so bonus defense/evasion stats! Governing Attribute: Speed

Lv.JapaneseEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1ダガーDagger20014The Royal City of Rabanastre(1)
1メイジマッシャーMage Masher70019The Royal City of Rabanastre(2)
2アサシンダガーAssassin Dagger140025The Royal City of Rabanastre(2)
2チョッパーChopper220031The Tomb of Raithwall
3グラディウスGladius480045(Wind)Jahara, Land of the Garif
3マインゴーシュMain Gauche350038The Royal City of Rabanastre(4)
4アベンジャーAvenger600052(Berserker)The Royal City of Rabanastre(5)
4オリハルコンOrihalcon850059(Slow)Phon Coast
5ゾーリンシェイプZorlin ShapeN/AN/AN/A
5プラチナメッサーPlatinum Messer1150066The Imperial City of Archades



A staff's attack power increases when fighting against magic users. Staves also increases the magic attack power and evasiveness of any user, and therefore it is the optimum weapon for non-melee magical characters. Governing Attribute: Magic Power


Lv.JapaneseEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1オークスタッフOak Staff40018The Royal City of Rabanastre(2)
1サクラの杖Sakura Staff80024The Skycity of Bhujerba
1魔法使いの杖Mage's Staff150030The Tomb of Raithwall
2雷の杖Thunder Staff240033Jahara, Land of the Garif
2氷の杖Ice Staff240033Jahara, Land of the Garif
2炎の杖Flame Staff240033Jahara, Land of the Garif
3ゴールドスタッフGolden Staff350038The Royal City of Rabanastre(5)
3裁きの杖Judgment Staff570043(Stop)The Imperial City of Archade
4雲の杖Cloud Staff800048The Port at Balfonheim(3)
S賢者の杖Sage's Staff-46Steal: Pharos 2nd floor, ライトオブライト (Light of Light, a rare monster)


剣/Swords (one-handed)

The sword is the most common and basic weapon in the game. It's good in both terms of attack and defense, plus users can choose to wield a shield to increase defense. Governing Attribute: Strength

Lv.JapaneseEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
0ミスリルソードMithril Sword-13Reks, Vaan, Penelo initial weapon
0ミスリルブレイドMithril Blade-22Basch initial weapon
1ブロードソードBroad Sword40015The Royal City of Rabanastre(1)
1ロングソードLong Sword70019Chest: Rabanastre underground passage(2)
2アイアンソードIron Sword120019The Royal City of Rabanastre(2)
2古代の剣Ancient Sword240035(Stone)The Tomb of Raithwall
2ゾーリンブレイドZorlin Blade170029The Skycity of Bhujerba(2)
3エビルスレイヤーEvil Slayer600059The Royal City of Rabanastre(5)
3フレイムタンFlametongue520053(Fire)Mt. Bur-Omisace
3ローエングリンLohengrin450047Jahara, Land of the Garif
4アイスブランドIce Brand700065(Ice)The Royal City of Rabanastre(5)
4プラチナソードPlatinum Sword900070Phon Coast
5ダイヤソードDiamond Sword1250080The Port at Balfonheim
5バスタードソードBastard Sword1100075The Imperial City of Archade
6デスブリンガーDeathbringer1600090Exchange Goods
6ルーンブレイドRune Blade1450085The Port at Balfonheim(2)
7デュランダルDurandal-99Exchange Goods
7ブレイクブレイドBreak Blade-95Exchange Goods
BブラッドソードBlood Sword500041(Slip)The Royal City of Rabanastre(4)


忍刀/Ninja Swords

Ninja Swords have an innate ability to increase attack power relatively to users speed. As they have more speed the more powerful the weapon becomes. Attacking power is adaquate considering the hit rate. Downside is you can't wield shield with Ninja swords. Governing Attribute: Speed

Lv.JapaneseEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1阿修羅Asura560051(Dark)Mt. Bur-Omisace
1影縫いKagenui1000062Phon Coast
1桜囀りSakura Song700056The Royal City of Rabanastre(5)
2伊賀忍刀Iga Ninja Sword-67Bogie(ポギー) mob drop
2おろちOrochi-72(Don't Act)Exchange Goods
2甲賀忍刀Koga Ninja Sword-67「逃げたコカトリス」 Event
Y柳生の漆黒Yagyuu Jet Black-80N/A


ハンディボム/Handy Bomb

Handy Bomb is similar to Breaker, their weapon-damage range is unstable, when jackpot hits their damage are amazingly high.

Lv.JapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1ブリニートロイデburini-toroide580050Mt. Bur-Omisace
1ペジオニーテpejioni-teLava Plateau850058Phon Coast
2アスピーテasupi-teAspite1200066The Imperial City of Archade
3ブルカノ式burukano shikiVolcanic Eruption-85「カトブレパス」Mob Hunt Reward


ブレイカー(斧とハンマー)/Breakers (Axes and Hammers)

Breakers store a whooping attacking power upon poor, helpless enemies. The downside to Breakers is the consistency of their damage output. You can hit for ridiculously high damage or for ridiculously low damage.

Lv.JapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1ハンドアックスhando akkusuHand Axe220047The Tomb of Raithwall
1フレイルfureiruFlail330053The Tomb of Raithwall
2ウォーハンマーwo-hanma-Warhammer520065Mt. Bur-Omisace
2ブロードアクスburo-do akusuBroad Axe420059Jahara, Land of the Garif
3スラッシャーsurassha-Slasher600071The Royal City of Rabanastre(5)
3スレッジハンマーsurejjihanma-Sledgehammer750077(Don't Act)The Mosphoran Highwaste
4ハンマーヘッドhanma- heddoHammerhead950083Phon Coast
4フランシスカfuranshisukaFrancisca1150089The Imperial City of Archade
5グレートアックスgure-to akkusuGreat Axe15500101The Port at Balfonheim(3)
5モーニングスターmo-ningu suta-Morning Star1350095The Port at Balfonheim(2)
6ゴールドアックスgo-rudo akkusuGolden Axe18000110The Dalmasca Eastersand(レダス加入後)
7蠍のしっぽsasori no shippoScorpion's Tail-119Exchange Goods



Bowguns are long-ranged weapons. The difference between a Bow and a Bowgun is that, Bowgun's attack power is linked with characters' strength. High strength wielder can deal higher damage comparing to a low strength character using the same Bowgun. Governing Attribute: Strength

Lv.JapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1クロスボウkurosubouCrossbow520046Mt. Bur-Omisace
1ボウガンbouganBowgun380040The Royal City of Rabanastre(4)
2クロスリカーブkurosurika-buCross Recover950069Phon Coast
2パラミナボウparamina bouPalmina Bow660052The Royal City of Rabanastre(5)
3ハンティングボウhantingu bouHunting Bow1250064The Port at Balfonheim
3ペネトレーターpenetore-ta-Penetrator1550070The Port at Balfonheim
4ガストラフェテスgasutorafetesuGastraphetes-76Steal: The Ridorana Cataract, Rare monster "Puru"



Bo, is not your common weapon. The damage-to-enemy isn't calculated between 'weapon strength & enemy's physical defense' but is 'weapon stregth & enemy's magic defense'. So Bo is really good against enemies with high defense and low magical defense.

Lv.JapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1樫の棒kashi no bouEvergreen Bo130027The Royal City of Rabanastre(2)
1サイプレスパイルsaipuresu pairuCypress Pyre200033(Ground)The Tomb of Raithwall
2麝香勺jakou shakuMusk Ladle430045Jahara, Land of the Garif
2バトルバンブーbatoru banbu-Battle Bamboo320039The Royal City of Rabanastre(4)
3ゴクウの棒gokuu no bouGokuu's Bo900063Phon Coast
3鉄棒teppouSteel Bo530051(Slow)Mt. Bur-Omisace
4エアリアルeariaruAerial1120069(Wind)The Port at Balfonheim
4象牙の棒zouge no bouIvory Bo1350075N/A
5櫂棒toubouPaddle1620081Bhujerba Southern Shop
5六角棒rokkaku bouHexagon Bo-88Steal: Rare monster "Avenger"
W鯨の髭kujira no higeWhale's Whiskers-108Exchange Goods



Maces is another weapon that increases power when fighting with magic users. It is the only magic-based weapon that allows the user to wield shields. Governing Attribute: Magic Power

Lv.JapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1ブロンズメイスburonzu meisuBronze Mace300030The Tomb of Raithwall
1メイスmeisuMace180024The Tomb of Raithwall
2ブージbu-jiBhuj410036Jahara, Land of the Garif
2マイターmaita-Mitre500042(Water)Mt. Bur-Omisace
3錯乱のメイスsakuran no meisuDeranged Mace880054(Confusion)The Imperial City of Archade
3棘のメイスtoge no meisuThorn Mace650048(Poison)The Mosphoran Highwaste
4時限のメイスjigen no meisuTime Mace1180060The Port at Balfonheim(2)
4メイスオブゼウスmeisu obu zeusuMace of Zeus-66"Diabolos" Mob Hunt Reward
5グランドメイスgurando meisuGrand Mace-72"Bailraster" Mob Hunt Reward



Spears can have a distance advantage compared to other melee weapons, having a longer reach. On a negative note, Spears have a slow attacking rate compared to swords, plus users can't equip shields, making it a hard to use. Governing Attribute: Strength

Lv.JapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1ジャベリンjaberinJavelin140030The Royal City of Rabanastre
1スピアーsupia-Spear220036The Royal City of Rabanastre
2パルチザンparuchizanPartisan350042The Royal City of Rabanastre
2ヘヴィランスhevi ransuHeavy Lance480048(Slow)Jahara, Land of the Garif
3オベリスクoberisukuObelisk750060Mosphoran Highwaste
3雷の槍kaminari no yariThunder Spear580054(Lightning)Mt. Bur-Omisace
4トライデントtoraidentoTrident1250072(Ice)The Port at Balfonheim
4ハルバートharuba-toHalberd1000066Phon Coast
5グングニルgunguniruGungnir1700084(Fire)The Dalmasca Westersand/Exchange Goods
5ホーリーランスho-ri- ransuHoly Lance1450078(Holy)The Port at Balfonheim
D竜の髭ryuu no higeDragon's Whiskers-91Pharos, top level
S最強の矛saikyou no hakoStrongest Halberd-150N/A



Bow is another long-ranged weapon. Quite effective against flying monsters. Bow power also depended on your characters' speed, faster you are the more power you add into the damage. Governing Attribute: Speed

Lv.JapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1銀の弓gin no yumiSilver Bow100022Nalbina Fortress
1ショートボウsho-to bouShort Bow50017The Barheim Passage
2エイビスキラーeibisu kira-Beast Killer150027The Skycity of Bhujerba
2キラーボウkira- bouKiller Bow200033The Royal City of Rabanastre
2ロングボウrongu bouLong Bow300039The Tomb of Raithwall
3エルフィンボウerufin bouElven Bow420045The Royal City of Rabanastre
3ロクスリーの弓rokusuri- no yumiLocksley's Bow520051Mt. Bur-Omisace
4石の弓ishi no yumiStone Bow600057Nalbina Fortress
4バーニングボウba-ningu bouBurning Bow750063Mosphoran Highwaste
5裏切りの弓uragiri no yumiBow of Betrayal1000069Phon Coast
5与一の弓yoichi no yumiYoichi's Bow1250075The Port at Balfonheim
6ペルセウスの弓peruseusu no yamiPerseus' Bow1450081The Port at Balfonheim
6アルテミスの弓arutemisu no yumiArtemis' Bow-87Exchange Goods
S宿命のサジタリアshukumei no sajitariaSagittaria of Fate-93Exchange Goods



Rod is a magic-user weapon where its melee damage is linked with user's magic power. Rods also increases user's magic power. Governing Attribute: Magic Power

Lv.JapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk PowHow to obtain
1蛇のロッドhebi no roddoSnake Rod210034(Ice)Jahara, Land of the Garif
1ロッドroddoRod150030The Royal City of Rabanastre
2癒しのロッドiyashi no roddoHealing Rod300013(Regen)Mt. Bur-Omisace
2大地のロッドdaichi no roddoEarth Rod330038(Earth)Nalbina Fortress
3天空のロッドtenkuu no roddoSky Rod620050The Port at Balfonheim
3パワーロッドpawa- roddoPower Rod450044Phon Coast
4ホーリーロッドho-ri- roddoHoly Rod-53(Holy)Chest: Pharos, bottom level
Fフェイスロッドfeisu roddoFaith Rod-24(Faith)N/A



There are many kinds of ammunition. Most of them just increase attack power, but some have special attributes. You dont have to buy any license's to use better ammunition.

TypeJapaneseRomajiEnglishPriceAtk Pow(Effect)How to obtain
ArrowオニオンアーローOnion Aro-Onion Arrow1
ArrowパラレルアーローParareru Aro-Parallel? Arrow2
Arrow炎の矢en no shiFlaming Arrow1(Fire)
BulletオニオンバレットOnion BarettoOnion Bullet1
Bulletサイレンス弾Sairensu DanSilence Bullet1(Silence)
BoltオニオンシャフトOnion ShiyafutoOnion Shaft1


CC Note:: Most of the weapon location had been verified by me, so I guarantee that they are there. Some of them require you to get to a certain chapter before that weapon becomes avaliable. I might add the required chapter later on!

CC Note 2:: Sometimes there are more than 1 way of getting the same weapon, either buying from shops or you can steal them from bosses/mobs.


  • Translation by Cheesemeister
  • Add-in extra content by CuteChocobo
  • Gov. Attributes and gramatical error correction, Ammunition by The Fett


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Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 8:59 am on Mar 27, 2006

I might need some members to help me out here... Some of the Japanese pronouciations I am not sure, so I left it blank. Also there are some monsters name that I dare not to touch incase I mistranslate it.
Can someone fill in those if you are sure?

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